1564 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 577
ards for qualification for exemptions from certain tax assessments
in Caroline County, requiring annual review of these exemptions,
prohibiting transfer of exemptions and requiring final approval by
the County Commissioners of Caroline County.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 49(b) and (c) of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Caroline County (1965 Edition, being Article 6 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland), title "Caroline County," subtitle "County
Treasurer," as last amended by Chapter 360 of the Acts of 1969 be
and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read
as follows:
(b) (1) Exempted property shall be limited to land, buildings,
tools, including mechanical tools; implements, whether worked by
hand, steam, or other motive power; machinery, manufacturing appa-
ratus, or engines used in manufacturing, whether temporarily idle or
not; and all other personal property used in or forming a part of the
business of such new unit, expansion unit, extension or addition, ex-
clusive of inventory.
(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in order to qualify
for said exemption, the applicant must (1) employ not less than
[10] 15 persons and (2) have an annual payroll of not less than
[$50,0003 $75,000 $85,000.
(c) The exemptions herein provided shall be only for ten years
from the date of completion of such new unit, extension, expansion
or addition, and provided that the assessable value of such project
or projects is greater than [$35,000.00] $42,000.00 in the case of
an established industry, and [$65,000.00] $78,000.00 in the case
of a new factory or plant. Exemptions granted under this section
must be renewed annually and are not transferable with change of
ownership. All exemptions must be approved by the County Com-
Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1972.
Approved May 26, 1972.
(House Bill 1012)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 88(b)
of Article 2B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1968 Replace-
ment Volume), title "Alcoholic Beverages," subtitle "Hours and
Days for Sale," to provide that the holders of certain alcoholic
beverage licenses may be permitted to exercise the privileges of
said licenses on the day of any municipal election in any of the
incorporated towns of Caroline County.