Marvin Mandel, Governor 1551
closing of the polls on election day. No ballot shall be rejected by the
board except by the unanimous vote of the entire board. This canvass
shall be conducted by district or ward and precinct in accordance with
the applicable provisions of Section 14-1 of this article. All voters'
applications, medical certificates, notarial affidavits, certifications,
ballot envelopes and ballots shall be kept separate and apart from
ballots cast at the regular voting places and retained for six (6)
months after the date of election at which they were cast, unless
prior to that time, the board shall be ordered by a court of competent
jurisdiction, to keep the same for any longer period. The several
boards are hereby granted authority to appoint such numbers of
temporary judges as said boards may deem necessary to adequately
and promptly carry out the provisions of this section.
The State Administrative Board of Election Laws and the boards
are hereby severally authorized and empowered to do any and all
acts, the carrying out of which is committed to them by any act of
Congress providing for voting by persons who are absentee voters,
and to accept and expend any funds made available to [him or] them
or to the State of Maryland by Congress for the purpose of defraying
the costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith, including
their services. The State Administrative Board of Election Laws and
the several boards are hereby severally authorized and empowered to
use any and all facilities that may be furnished by the United States
or any department, commission or agency thereof, pursuant to any
act of Congress or otherwise, for the purpose of transmitting to and
from absentee voters applications for absentee ballots, envelopes, in-
structions and all other printed matter that may be permitted to be
transmitted by any act of Congress and generally to cooperate in
every way with military and civil officers of the United States and
with all such departments, commissions and agencies thereof in
order to enable such persons to vote.
No person's name shall be removed from the registry during his
service in the armed forces of the United States or while qualified to
vote as an absentee as herein otherwise provided.]
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That Section 59 of Article 41 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1971 Replacement Volume), title "Gov-
ernor—Executive and Administrative Departments," subtitle "1. The
Executive Department," subheading "Governor," be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Article 41.
The Governor is authorized and empowered to employ such clerical
help as may be necessary to assist in the Executive Department in
preparing and attending to such election business as is now, or may
hereafter by law be assigned to that Department, or to the [Secretary
of State] State Administrative Board of Election Laws; and the sum
of two thousand dollars per annum, or so much thereof as may be