1550 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 570
manner, as the case may require: All votes for Governor shall be
[written out in words at length] on one sheet; in like manner, all
votes for other State officers shall be [written out] on another sheet;
all votes for presidential electors, on another sheet; all votes for
judges of courts, on another sheet; all votes for Senators to the Gen-
eral Assembly, on another sheet; all votes for Delegates to the General
Assembly, on another sheet; and all votes for any other officer, on a
separate and appropriate sheet; all votes for or against any proposi-
tion which may be submitted to a vote of the people, on another sheet.
(c) The [Secretary of State] State Administrative Board of Elec-
tion Laws shall certify to the boards a list of the proposed constitu-
tional amendments to be voted upon at any State-wide election and a
separate list, if any, of any other State-wide referenda to be sub-
mitted to the voters. Said amendments and said referenda shall be
listed in the following numerical order: (1) By years of sessions of
the General Assembly at which enacted, and (2) for each such ses-
sion, by chapter numbers of the Session Laws of that session.
(b) It shall be the duty of the State Administrative Board of
Election Laws to collect from the boards and/or other officials having
the same including the several clerks of court and to keep in [his] its
office of record of all referendum votes taken by the voters of the
State or any county therein, or the City of Baltimore, or by an incor-
porated city or town of the State on any proposed incorporation of a
town, upon any law passed at any session of the General Assembly of
the State, whether regular or extraordinary, and whether the refer-
endum vote is taken as a result of a petition under Article XVI of
the Constitution or as required by the act itself.
(c) In addition thereto, the State Administrative Board of Elec-
tion Laws within ten days from the receipt of the official returns
from any such referendum vote concerning a law enacted by the
General Assembly, shall prepare under [his] its hand and seal, two
certificates setting forth the particular law upon which such refer-
endum vote was taken, and the result of said vote; one of said certifi-
cates [he] it shall forthwith deliver to the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals who shall, upon receipt of the same, attach it to the original
copy of said law and file in his office; the remaining certificate shall
be retained by the State Administrative Board of Election Laws until
the adjournment of the next succeeding session of the General As-
sembly, whether regular or extraordinary, and shall thereupon be
delivered by [him] it to the person selected by the Governor to com-
pile and index the laws passed at such session of the General Assembly.
(b) At any time after the closing of the polls and not later than
the canvass of the votes cast at the regular voting places in this State
at any election, the several boards shall meet at the usual place for
holding the circuit court for the county or at the usual offices of the
board and shall proceed to count, certify and canvass the absentee
ballots contained in the ballot envelopes, received by them prior to the