2614 County Local Laws
Section 17-35. Regulations as to parking on County or Revenue Au-
thority Parking Facilities
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle at any time or
to permit a vehicle to be parked at any time on any county parking lot
or Baltimore County Revenue Authority parking facility contrary to the
limitations and restrictions imposed in any sign conspicuously posted on
such parking lot or facility as hereinafter provided. The traffic engineer
and the Revenue Authority shall cause signs to be posted on all [county-
owned] such parking lots and facilities where parking is limited, indicating
such limitations. The director of traffic engineering is hereby granted
full power and authority to adopt orders and directives relating to or in
connection with the parking of vehicles on such county-owned parking
lots. [Nothing in this section shall apply to any parking lot under the
jurisdiction of the Baltimore County Revenue Authority.]
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall
take effect forty-five days after its enactment.
Bill No. 138
An Act to shorten the time within which the police department must
hold unclaimed property before selling the same at public auction,
by repealing and re-enacting with amendments Section 24-11 of the
Baltimore County Code, 1968 Edition, Title "Police Department," Arti-
cle II. Disposition of Unclaimed Property.
BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND, That Section 24-11 of the Balti-
more County Code 1968, Title "Police Department," Article II. Disposition
of Unclaimed Property, be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, to read as follows:
Section 24-11. Sale at public auction.
The chief of police of the county is hereby authorized and empowered
to sell, at public auction, any and all lost, abandoned, stolen, lawfully
seized or unclaimed property, of every kind and description remaining
unclaimed for [ninety] thirty days or more in the possession or under
the control of the police bureau; provided, that the chief of police shall
prior to any public auction sale, advertise, once in one or more news-
papers printed and published in the county, that on some day to be named
in the advertisement, not less than ten days after the publication thereof,
he will offer for sale, at public auction, such lost, abandoned, stolen,
lawfully seized or unclaimed property, which advertisement shall set forth
the time, place and terms of the sale, together with a detailed description
of the property to be sold; provided further, that the chief of police,
before selling any property as herein provided, shall make a reasonable
effort to ascertain the owner thereof, and shall, if the owner and his
residence be known, mail a registered notice to such owner at such residence,
at least ten days prior to the date of the sale.
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall
take effect forty-five days after its enactment.
Bill No. 150
An Act to prohibit the movement of commercial vehicles, of more
than ¾ ton capacity, over certain residential streets and to vest in the