Baltimore County 2613
the secretary of health and mental hygiene of the State of Maryland with
respect thereto.
(iii) To establish and determine policy for system of public health
clinics for the treatment and prevention of physical and mental illnesses
and for the education of the public with respect to environmental, physical
and mental health.
(iv) To have general care and responsibility for the health and sani-
tary interests of the people of the county including the investigation and
study of the causes of disease, epidemics, nuisances affecting public health,
prevention of contagious diseases and the preservation of health.
(v) To hold such public meetings and hearings and to cause
such studies and investigations to be made as it may deem necessary or
appropriate in connection with the above stated powers and duties.
Section 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, (five members thereof
voting in the affirmative) that new subsection (m) be and it is hereby
proposed to be added to Section 1009 of said Charter; said new subsection
to read as follows, if adopted by the voters of Baltimore County, Maryland:
Section 1009. Definitions and rules of construction.
(m) A requirement of residency as a condition of any person's eligi-
bility for election or appointment to or continuance in any county office,
position or employment shall refer to the place where such person maintains
his actual principal place of abode such that a person may maintain only
one such place of abode at any given time.
Section 4. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, (five members thereof
voting in the affirmative) that Sections 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1110,
1112, 1114 and 1115 of said Charter be and they are hereby proposed to be
repealed, if adopted by the voters of Baltimore County, Maryland.
Section 5. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That pursuant to the
requirements of Section 1202 of the Baltimore County Charter, the question
of whether or not the Charter is to be amended as proposed by this Act
shall be submitted to the voters of Baltimore County, Maryland at the
general election on November 3, 1970, and that this Act shall be published
by the county executive in at least two newspapers of general circulation
in the county for five successive weeks prior to said election.
Bill No. 133
An Act to make it unlawful to park a vehicle on any parking facility
under the jurisdiction of the Baltimore County Revenue Authority
contrary to the limitations and restrictions imposed by any sign con-
spicuously posted on such parking facility, by repealing and re-enacting
with amendments Section 17-35 of the Baltimore County Code, 1968
(1969 Cumulative Supplement) Title "Motor Vehicles and Traffic"
Article III. Stopping, Standing, Parking and Abandoning.
BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND, That Section 17-35 of the Balti-
more County Code, 1968 (1969 Cumulative Supplement) Title "Motor
Vehicles and Traffic" Article III. Stopping, Standing, Parking and
Abandoning, be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments,
to read as follows: