2612 County Local Laws
appointed by the county executive and shall have resided within the county
for a period of three years next preceding their appointment. A minimum
of three members of the board shall be appointed with due regard to their
training, experience and interest in the natural sciences and conservation.
Additional qualifications and the terms of office of members of the board
shall be as provided by law, and the county executive shall serve thereon as
an ex officio member.
(B) Duties and Functions. Unless and until otherwise provided by
legislative act of the county council, the board of recreation and parks
shall have and perform all duties and functions relating to the formulation
of plans and policies for public recreation, the organization of recreation
councils, the establishment of recreation programs and the acquisition,
management, preservation and development of all lands, waters, buildings
and other facilities in Baltimore County as parks and recreation areas and
facilities, subject, nevertheless, to all provisions of this Charter, including
those dealing with the employment, suspension and discharge of personnel,
the expenditure of county funds, the making of purchases, and the awarding
of contracts.
Section 535.—Functions and duties of the Department of Traffic En-
The department of traffic engineering shall be responsible for traffic
safety and engineering and is hereby granted full power and authority and
directed to promulgate and adopt such rules and regulations relating to
the standing or parking of motor vehicles and the movement of vehicular
and pedestrian traffic as may be necessary or desirable to create and main-
tain the safe and expeditious movement of traffic throughout Baltimore
County; provided, however, that no rule or regulation promulgated by
the director under such power and authority shall be deemed valid or effect-
ive until the expiration of forty-five days (45) written notice of the pro-
mulgation of the same to the county council. The county council shall at
all times have the power to repeal, amend, or modify any rules and regula-
tions promulgated in accordance with this provision and to enact, amend,
or repeal laws relating to such matters on its own initiative.
The department of traffic engineering shall also have and perform such
other duties and functions as may be from time to time assigned thereto by
directive of the county administrative officer or by legislative action of the
county council.
Section 539. Composition, functions, administration under state and
county law.
(d) A county board of health is hereby created with the powers and
duties of the local board of health as provided in Article 43 of the An-
notated Code of Maryland, Title "Health." The board of health shall have
and perform such other duties and functions as may from time to time be
assigned thereto by directive of the county administrative officer or by
legislative act of the county council not inconsistent with the general law.
In addition to, and not in limitation of, the foregoing powers and duties,
the board of health shall have and perform the following special powers
and duties not inconsistent with general law:
(i) To establish policies pertaining to the environmental, physical
and mental health services within the county.
(ii) To establish policies related to land, air and water pollution con-
trol, not inconsistent with any state law, and to assist and cooperate with