Baltimore County 2611
of said office, be construed to refer to the director of finance, whenever
such construction would be reasonable.
Section 1111. Existing laws.
The public local laws of Baltimore County and all rules, regulations,
resolutions and ordinances of the county commissioners in force at the time
of the effective date of this Charter are hereby repealed to the extent that
they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter, but not further;
and to the extent that they are not hereby repealed because of such in-
consistency, all such public local laws, rules, regulations, resolutions and
ordinances shall continue in full force and effect until repealed or amended.
[; provided, nevertheless, that notwithstanding any inconsistency with
the provisions of this Charter, all laws relating to the borrowing authority
of the county commissioners in force at the time of the adoption of this
Charter shall remain in full force and effect and may be exercised by
the county council until after the general election to be held in Novem-
ber, 1958.]
Section 1113. Existing members of boards and commissioners.
[The members of the board of recreation and the personnel and
salary advisory board holding office at the effective date of this Charter
shall constitute, respectively, the members of the recreation board and the
personnel and salary advisory board created by this Charter. The members
of all other boards and commissions not expressly abolished by this Charter
shall continue to hold the same or corresponding office after the effective
date of this Charter; provided, however, that] In all cases where a county
commissioner was required to serve ex officio as a member of any board or
commission in the county government, the county executive shall serve
thereon in such capacity.
Section 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, (five members thereof
voting in the affirmative) that Sections 532, 533, 535 and 539 (d) of said
Charter, as amended, be and they are hereby proposed to be repealed and
new Sections 532, 533, 535 and 539 (d) enacted in lieu thereof, all to read
as follows, if adopted by the voters of Baltimore County, Maryland:
Section 532.—Functions of the Department.
The department shall be responsible for the organization, administra-
tion and supervision of programs of recreation and the management, preser-
vation and development of all lands, waters, buildings and other facilities
made available to it for the purpose of providing a variety of naturalistic
and developed recreational areas and facilities. The department shall have
and perform such other functions and duties as may be provided from time
to time by the legislative act of the county council not inconsistent with
this Charter or the provisions of applicable law.
Section 533. Board of Recreation and Parks.
(A) Composition and Appointment. There shall be a board of recrea-
tion and parks which shall consist of a representative selected from among
the qualified residents of each councilmanic district plus three additional
members selected from among the qualified residents of the entire county;
provided, however, that not more than two members thereof shall reside in
any one councilmanic district; and provided further that no member of the
board shall be required to vacate his office prior to the expiration of the
term for which he was appointed by reason of any revision in the boundary
lines of the councilmanic districts. The members of the board shall be