Baltimore County 2607
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall
take effect forty-five days after its enactment.
Bill No. 103
An Act to provide more extensive notice to the public regarding
final reports of the planning board as to adoption of zoning regula-
tions or maps, to require that any changes to be made by the county
council in the planning board's proposals be subject to public hearing
and advertisement and to require the recording of the individual
council votes on each such change by repealing and re-enacting with
amendments Section 22-21 of the Baltimore County Code, 1968, title
"Planning, Zoning and Subdivision Control", Article III. Zoning.
BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND, That Section 22-21 of the Balti-
more County Code, 1968, title "Planning, Zoning and Subdivision Control",
Article III. Zoning, be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amend-
ments to read as follows:
Section 22-21. Action by the county council on adoption of Zoning
regulations and zoning maps.
(a) After the county council has received a final report of the
planning board recommending adoption of any zoning regulations or zoning
maps, the county council shall hold one or more public hearings thereon,
giving at least twenty days' notice thereof in at least two newspapers of
general circulation [throughout] in the county. During [the period of
such notice,] such twenty-day period, the final report of the planning
board with accompanying maps and supporting exhibits, if any, together
with any minority report and maps from any dissenting members of the
planning board shall be shown and exhibited in the county office building
[or], in each councilmanic district, and at such other public place as
the county council may designate for public inspection. After the expira-
tion of such period of notice, and following the public hearing or hearings,
the county council may by an ordinance adopt such regulations or maps
subject, however, to such changes or amendments therein as the county
council may deem appropriate.
(b) Any change or amendment to be made in a zoning map as
proposed by the planning board shall, before final adoption of such map,
be brought to further public hearing, advertised and held in the same
manner as provided above in Subsection (a). If further changes or
amendments to such map shall then be proposed in the county council, a
final public hearing, limited to such further changes or amendments,
shall be advertised and held in the same manner as provided above before
final action on such map is taken by the county council.
(c) Each change or amendment to be made in a zoning map as
proposed by the planning board shall be voted upon individually by the
county council, and each vote thereon shall be recorded in the council
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall
take effect forty-five days after its enactment.