2608 County Local Laws
Bill No. 104
An Act to propose certain amendments to the Baltimore County
Charter to provide for the effective date of acts passed by the County
Council which have been referred to referendum; to adjust the time
within which the county auditor shall submit his annual audit; to
adjust the time within which the independent biennial audit of all
county departments shall be made and submitted; to correct an
omission in reference to the director of recreation and parks; to pro-
vide a more representative method of appointment of members of
the Board of Recreation and Parks; to prescribe separately the duties
and functions of both the Department of Recreation and Parks and the
Board of Recreation and Parks; to delegate to the Department of
Traffic Engineering the authority to adopt regulations pertaining to
the parking of motor vehicles and the movement of traffic, subject to
council veto or amendment; to reflect a change in nomenclature made
by State law relating to consent to appointment of the county health
officer; to enlarge upon and delineate the duties and functions of the
County Board of Health including, inter alia, the establishment of
public health clinics; to decrease the number of regular meetings
of the County Board of Health; to further define the residency require-
ment if a condition to holding any county office or position of employ-
ment with the county; to repeal certain transitory provisions contained
in Article XI of the Baltimore County Charter, which are archaic and
to delete certain archaic portions of other transitory provisions therein
contained, by repealing and re-enacting with amendments Sections
309(a), 311, 312, 531, 539 (b), 539 (j), 1109, 1111 and 1113 of the
Baltimore County Charter as amended; by repealing Sections
532, 533, 535 and 539 (d) of said Charter, as amended, and enacting
new Sections 532, 533, 535 and 539 (d) in lieu thereof; by adding new
subsection (m) to Section 1009 of said Charter; and by repealing
Sections 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1110, 1112, 1114 and 1115 of
said Charter; and to provide for the submission of said proposed
charter amendments to the voters of Baltimore County, Maryland.
BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND, (five members thereof voting in
the affirmative) that Sections 309 (a), 311, 312, 531, 539 (b), 539 (j), 1109,
1111 and 1113 of the Baltimore County Charter, as amended be and they
are hereby proposed to be repealed and re-enacted with amendments to
read as follows, if adopted by the voters of Baltimore County, Maryland:
Section 309—The referendum
(a) Scope of the referendum. The people of Baltimore County re-
serve to themselves the power known as "The Referendum," by petition
to have submitted to the registered voters of the county, to approve or
reject at the polls, any enacted law or ordinance or part of any such law
or ordinance of the county council. The referendum petition against any
such law or ordinance shall be sufficient if signed by ten per centum of
the qualified voters of the county calculated upon the whole number of
votes cast in the county for Governor at the last preceding gubernatorial
election. Such petition shall be filed with the board of supervisors of
elections of Baltimore County within forty-five days after the enactment of
the law to be referred to the voters at the next general election. If
such a petition is filed as aforesaid, such law or ordinance or part thereof
to be so referred shall not take effect until thirty days after its approval
by a majority of the qualified voters of the county voting thereon at the
said next general election; provided, however, that if more than one-half