Baltimore County 2603
valuation for the taxable year beginning July 1, 1968, and each taxable
year thereafter, except that said exemption shall not be increased during
the taxable year beginning July 1, 1970, the exemption shall increase 15
per centum until an exemption of 100 percent is reached; so that in the
taxable year beginning July 1, 1972 said property will be entirely exempt
from county taxation.
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Act shall
take effect forty-five days after its enactment.
Bill No. 67
A Resolution to levy and impose a property tax for the use of
Baltimore County for the taxable year beginning July 1, 1970 and
ending on the thirtieth day of June following, and to fix the rate of
county taxation for such taxable year.
BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND, That a county property tax for
the taxable year beginning July 1, 1970 and ending on the thirtieth day
of June following is hereby levied and imposed on all assessments, persons
or property subject to ordinary taxation in said county; and that the rate
of county taxation for such taxable year is hereby fixed at $3.58 $3.56 on
each $100 of assessed valuation of such property.
Section 2. RESOLVED FURTHER, That this Resolution shall become
law and take effect on the first day of July, 1970.
Bill No. 69
A Tax Resolution to levy and impose the local tax on income,
for the calendar 1970 and each succeeding calendar year, unless and
until such tax rate is changed or modified, within the limits of
Baltimore County, and to provide for the collection thereof in accord-
ance with Maryland law.
Whereas, Section 283 of Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1969 Replacement Volume, as amended) authorizes the county to adopt
a local income tax to be imposed upon residents of the county as a
percentage of the State income tax liability of such residents; now,
BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND, pursuant to the power and au-
thority set forth in section 283 of Article 81, Annotated Code of Maryland
(1969 Replacement Volume, as amended), that an income tax of fifty
percent of the State income tax liability is hereby levied on the residents
of Baltimore County for the calendar year 1970 and each succeeding
calendar year, unless and until such tax rate is changed or modified by
subsequent ordinance or resolution.
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, (five members of
the County Council voting in the affirmative) That the provisions hereof
shall become law and take effect on the first day of July, 1970.