2590 County Local Laws
Bill No. 110-70
An Ordinance to add new Sections 17-607A and 17-607B to the Anne
Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 17, "Taxa-
tion", Subtitle 6, "Water and Wastewater Charges and Assessments",
to follow immediately after Section 17-607 thereof, providing rate
schedules for the disposal of septic waste and the authority for ad-
ministering County owned and operated wastewater treatment plants.
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND, That new Sections 17-607A
and 17-607B be and they are hereby added to the Anne Arundel County
Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 17, "Taxation", Subtitle 6,
"Water and Wastewater Charges and Assessments", to follow immediately
after Section 17-607 thereof, and to read as follows:
Section 17-607A
(1) The following charges are hereby established for the disposal
and treatment of septic tank sludge and chemical wastes at Anne Arundel
County owned and operated wastewater treatment plants and/or collecting
For Septic Tank Sludge
$0,011 per gallon of rated capacity of tank truck
Minimum Charge of $5.50 per tank truck
For Chemical Wastes from Chemical Portable Toilets
$0.022 per gallon of rated capacity of tank truck
Minimum Charge of $11.00 per tank truck
(2) For purposes of this section:
(a) Septic tank sludge is defined as the waste pumped from domestic
septic tanks and shall not include industrial wastes not generated by normal
private homes; and
(b) Chemical wastes are defined as the wastes collected in portable
chemical toilets normally used at temporary locations (such as construction
sites). Wastes containing any chemicals which are deleterious to the bio-
logical treatment systems of County owned and operated wastewater treat-
ment plants shall not be accepted.
Section 17-607B
(1) The Director of Public Works is hereby granted full power and
authority to:
(a) Adopt and promulgate rules, regulations, orders and directives
relating to the administration and receiving of septic tank sludge and
chemical wastes.
(b) Establish operating hours and schedules for the receipt of septic
tank sludge and chemical wastes at County owned and operated waste-
water treatment plants.
(c) Prohibit the acceptance of septic tank and chemical toilet wastes
generated from outside the boundaries of Anne Arundel County at County
owned and operated wastewater treatment plants where such acceptance is
deemed detrimental to the best interests of the County.