2570 County Local Laws
(b) Not less than three (3) days prior to the beginning of all street
or storm sewer work shown to be constructed on the site plan, the applicant
shall send written notice thereof to the Director of Public Works.
(c) The applicant shall provide adequate on-site supervision during
the installation of all required improvements, and shall have a responsible
superintendent or foreman (together with one (1) set of approved plans,
profiles and specifications) available at the site at all times when work is
being performed.
(d) The installation of improvements as set forth in this Article
shall not bind the County to accept such improvements for the maintenance,
repair or operation thereof; said requirements shall be in addition to (and
not in lieu of) any other legal requirement.
Section 13-370.8—Review of Completed Installation
Upon satisfactory completion as shown on the approved site plan or
section thereof, the applicant or developer shall submit to the Office of
Planning and Zoning, seven (7) copies of "as-built" site plans, certified
by the engineer or surveyor. Said plans shall be submitted thirty (30)
days prior to the anticipated occupancy of any building, for the review
and approval for conformity with the approved site plan by the appro-
priate County departments, agencies or officers. The Certificate of Use
shall not be approved until the "as-built" site plan has been reviewed and
approved by the Planning and Zoning Officer, the Health Officer, and the
Director of Public Works. Such certificate shall authorize the release of
any bond which may have been furnished for the guarantee of satisfactory
installation of improvements.
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That in accordance
with the provisions of Section 21-31 of the Anne Arundel County Code
(1967 Edition and Supplement), Title 21, "General Provisions, Penalties
and Rules of Interpretation", Subtitle 3, "Rules of Interpretation", the
catchlines or section headings of the several sections of this Ordinance are
intended as mere catchwords to indicate the contents of said section, and
shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of such sections, nor as any part of
said section.
Section 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That upon the adop-
tion of additional sections of this Subtitle, the Articles, Headings, Sub-
sections or Sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re-arranged
to establish an orderly numbering system for the entire Subtitle, and to
correct cross references (provided that no changes other than typographical
corrections may be made to the language or substance thereof).
Section 4. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That if any pro-
visions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance is held invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not
affect the other provisions or any other application of this Act which can
be given effect without the invalid provisions or application, and to this
end, all the provisions of this Act are hereby declared to be severable.
Section 5. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Ordinance
shall become effective only upon the adoption of AFTER the entire subtitle
repealer of Chapter 35 OF THE ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CODE
(1957 EDITION AND SUPPLEMENTS), TITLE "Zoning," Articles I
through V, inclusive, respectively titled "In General", "Districts", "Board of
Appeals," "Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces Generally" and "Signs