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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2250   View pdf image
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2250                               County Local Laws

(70)    Senior Motor Equipment Operator

Completion of a standard grade school plus three (3) years experience
in the operation of heavy automotive equipment; possession of a driver's
license; or any equivalent combination.

(71)    Foreman

Completion of a standard grade school, plus five (5) years experience
in related construction work, one (1) year at the level of [Utilityman III]
Crew Leader or equivalent, in a district road or sanitary crew; or any
equivalent combination.

(72)    Supervisor

Graduation from a recognized high school, preferably completion of
a two (2) year community or junior college program or two (2) years of
college training; four (4) years of experience in construction and main-
tenance of roads, water and sewer systems, or traffic safety systems, one
(1) year shall have been in supervisory capacity at the level of Foreman;
or any equivalent combination of education and experience.

(73)    Deputy Chief, Bureau of Highways

Graduation from a recognized high school and seven (7) years ex-
perience in construction and maintenance [work involving extensive
supervisory responsibility, supplemented by college training in Civil En-
gineering;] of highways including three (3) years in a supervisory
or any equivalent combination of education and. experience, [and
training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities.]

(74)    Chief, Bureau of Highways

Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with
major work in Civil Engineering and seven (7) years experience in pro-
fessional engineering and three (3) years of which shall have been in a
supervisory capacity; or any equivalent combination of education and

Special Requirements: Possession of or eligibility for a Professional
Engineer's License.

(75)    Meter Reader

Graduation from a recognized high school; preferably one (1) year of
experience involving contact with the public; or any equivalent combina-
tion of education and experience. Possession of a valid Maryland Motor
Vehicle Operator's License.

(76)    Meter Repairman

Graduation from a recognized high school and one (1) year of ex-
perience in a mechanical repair shop; or any equivalent combination of
education and experience.

(77)    Meter Reader Foreman

[Completion of a standard] Graduation from a recognized high school
and three (3) years experience as a Meter Reader; or any equivalent
combination of education and experience.


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2250   View pdf image
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