Westminster 2195
(c) The issuance of said notes shall constitute a pledge of the full
faith and credit of The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster; the
prompt payment of the principal of and interest on said notes shall be
made from unlimited ad valorem taxation and any other revenues,, law-
fully available for the purpose and described in the authorizing ordinance
or ordinances. The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster shall
annually levy upon all property subject to taxation within its corporate
limits ad valorem taxes sufficient to provide for the payment of the matur-
ing principal of and interest on any notes issued pursuant to the authority
contained in this section, without limitation as to rate or amount, not-
withstanding the limitation contained in Section 790 of this Article or in
any other law.
Section 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the date of the adop-
tion of this Resolution is July 13, 1970, and that the amendment to the
Charter of The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster hereby pro-
posed by this enactment shall be and become effective on September 2,
1970, unless a proper petition for a referendum hereon shall be filed as
permitted by law. A complete and exact copy of this Resolution shall be
posted in the City Hall until August 24, 1970, and a copy of the Title of
this Resolution shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in
Westminster not less than four (4) times, at weekly intervals, before
August 24, 1970.
Section 3. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as soon as the
charter amendment hereby enacted shall become effective, either as herein
provided or following a referendum, the Mayor of Westminster shall send
separately, by registered mail, to the Secretary of State of Maryland,
and to the Department of Legislative Reference, the following information
concerning the charter amendment: (1) the complete text of Section 750
of the Charter of The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster, as
hereby enacted; (2) the date of the referendum election, if any, held with
respect thereto; (3) the number of votes cast for and against the question
contained in the charter amendment, whether by the Common Council of
Westminster or in a referendum; and (4) the effective date of the charter
Section 4. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor of
Westminster be and he is hereby specifically enjoined and instructed to
carry out the provisions of Sections 2 and 3. As evidence of compliance
herewith, the said Mayor shall cause to be affixed to the minutes of this
meeting (1) appropriate certificates of publication of the newspaper in
which the Title of this Resolution shall have been published and (2) the
return receipts of the mailing referred to in Section 3, and shall further
complete and execute the Certificate of Effect attached hereto.
Russell A. Sellman
David S. Babylon, Jr.
LeRoy L. Conaway
F. Kale Mathias
Ray D. Riley
Attest: Approved this 13th day of July, 1970
George R. Zinn, City Clerk Joseph H. Hahn, Jr., Mayor