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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2194   View pdf image
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2194                               Municipal Charters

of Maryland and Section 13 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1966 Replacement Volume, as amended), title "Corpora-
tions—Municipal," subtitle "Home Rule," to amend the Charter of
The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster (being Sections 737
to 807, inclusive, as amended, of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Carroll County [1965 Edition, as amended, being Article 7 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland]) by repealing existing Sec-
tion 750 of said Charter and enacting in lieu thereof a new Section 750
authorizing The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster to bor-
row not exceeding $75,000 to pay current expenses of The Mayor and
Common Council of Westminster and to evidence such borrowing or
indebtedness by the issuance of its notes on the full faith and credit
of The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster; providing, fur-
ther, that ordinances authorizing borrowing under such Section 750
shall not be subject to referendum but shall become effective upon
final passage; and providing that provision may be made by ordi-
nance for the private sale of such notes; and, notwithstanding the
provisions of any other law, pledging the full faith and credit and
unlimited taxing power of The Mayor and Common Council of West-
minster to the prompt payment of the maturing principal of and
interest on such notes.

Section 1. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of
Westminster that the Charter of said municipal corporation be and the
same is hereby amended by repealing existing Section 750 of said Charter
and enacting in lieu thereof a new Section 750, such new Section 750 to
read as follows:


In addition to any other borrowing power which The Mayor and
Common Council of Westminster may presently have, from whatever
source derived, and notwithstanding any other provision or limitation of
public general or public local law:

(a)     Whenever in its opinion it is necessary for carrying out the
municipal purposes of the City of Westminster, The Mayor and Common
Council of Westminster shall have the power and authority to borrow
money and incur indebtedness, from time to time, in order to pay current
expenses of The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster,, but the
aggregate amount of such sums borrowed and not yet repaid at any one
time under the authority of this section shall not exceed $75,000.

(b)    Such borrowing or indebtedness shall be evidenced by notes to
be issued, sold and delivered in accordance with the terms and conditions
of an ordinance or ordinances passed in conformity with Sections 31
through 37, inclusive, of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1966 Replacement Volume, as amended), title "Corporations
pal," subtitle "Home Rule," subheading "Creation of Municipal Public
Debt," provided, however, that:

(1)    no ordinance authorizing any issue of notes pursuant to the
authority contained in this section shall be subject to referendum; such
ordinance shall become fully effective upon its final passage;

(2)    if the ordinance or ordinances authorizing the issuance of said
notes shall so specify, said notes may be sold at private sale without adver-
tisement or publication of notice of sale or solicitation of competitive bids.


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2194   View pdf image
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