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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2193   View pdf image
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Westminster                                     2193

of Sec. 13(g) of Art. 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964
Cumulative Supplement).

Resolved this 22nd day of December, 1964.



ROLAND R. RYON, President




Allegany County

A Resolution of the Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport
amending the Charter of the Town of Westernport relating to the
salaries of the Mayor and Commissioners.

BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 574 of the 1960 Edition of the
Codification of the Charter and Ordinances of the Town of Westernport,
(1953 ch. 8 Sec. 643, 1955 ch. 169) reading as follows:

Section 574. At the first meeting of the Mayor and Commissioners
of Westernport in June of each year they shall set the amount of salary to
be paid during the year to the Mayor and each Commissioner, which sal-
aries so set shall not exceed the sum of [Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)]
One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to the Mayor and [Two Hundred Fifty
Dollars ($250.00)] Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to each Commissioner,
excepting whenever any Commissioner is designated as Treasurer of the
Town he may be paid an additional sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00). They
shall have the power to designate and employ by way of retainer or other-
wise an Attorney at Law to be their legal adviser or representative, and
may contract with him as to his compensation and duties in their behalf.
They may by order or ordinance define and prescribe the duties of the
Clerk or the Bailiff and prescribe the amount of their respective salaries or
compensation, as well as to fix the rate of wages or compensation of all
other employees of said town. Without special permission of the Legis-
lature of Maryland, the authority of the Mayor and Commissioners to bor-
row money upon faith and credit of the Municipality of Westernport shall
be limited to funds for proper municipal purposes.

Passed at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Commissioners held on
March 16, 1970.

Katherine Hartig, Clerk                                         Ray L. Witt, Mayor

No petition for referendum having been received, the above resolution
declared part of the Charter on May 18,1970.

Katherine Hartig, Clerk                                         Ray L. Witt, Mayor


Carroll County
Charter Resolution No. 3

Resolution of The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster
adopted pursuant to the authority of Article HE of the Constitution


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2193   View pdf image
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