2186 Municipal Charters
pledge of the full faith and credit of the Town to the prompt payment,
when due, from ad valorem taxes and such other revenues as may be
described in the authorizing ordinance or ordinances, of the principal
of and interest on such bonds or notes. The maturing principal of and
interest on any general obligation bonds may be paid in whole or in part,
from the proceeds of such benefit assessments or charges, or any combina-
tion thereof, as the Board may impose and collect during the life of said
bonds, power and authority so to do being hereby specifically granted where
appropriate to the public purpose for which said bonds may be issued,
notwithstanding any limitation contained in this Charter or in any other
law; but, in any event, the Town shall, if and when necessary, annually
levy upon all property subject to taxation within its corporate limits ad
valorem taxes sufficient to provide for the payment of the maturing princi-
pal of and interest on any such bonds or notes, without limitation as to
rate or amount notwithstanding the limitation of any other law, and the
issuance and sale of any such bonds or notes shall constitute a covenant to
that effect.
Sec. 82-55. (Previous Issues). All bonds, notes, or other evidence of
indebtedness issued by the Town previous to the effective date of this
Charter and all ordinances passed concerning them are hereby declared
to be valid, legal, and binding and of full force and effect as if herein fully
set forth.
Sec. 82-56. (Purchasing and Contracts.) All purchases and contracts
for the Town government shall be made by the Board. The Board may
provide by ordinance for rules and regulations regarding the use of
competitive bidding and contracts for all Town purchases and contracts.
All expenditures for supplies, materials, equipment, construction of public
improvements, or contractual service involving more than one thousand
dollars ($1,000) shall be made on written contract. The Board shall
advertise for sealed bids in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance,
for all such written contracts. Such written contracts shall be awarded to
the bidder who offers the lowest or best bid, quality of goods and work,
time of delivery or completion, and responsibility of bidders being con-
sidered. All such written contracts shall be approved by the Board before
becoming effective. The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and
readvertise. The Town at any time in its discretion may employ its own
force for the construction or reconstruction of public improvements with-
out advertising for (or readvertising for) or receiving bids. All written
contracts may be protected by such bonds, penalties, and conditions as
the Town may require.
Sec. 82-57. (Clerk to the Board). There shall be a clerk to the Board.
He shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board and
shall serve at the pleasure of the President. He shall attend every meeting
of the Board and keep a full and accurate account of the proceedings of
the Board. He shall keep such other records and perform such other duties
as may be required by this Charter or the Board.
Sec. 82-58. (Town Attorney). The President with the approval of
the Board may appoint a Town Attorney. The Town Attorney shall be a
member of the bar of the Maryland Court of Appeals. The Town Attorney
shall be the legal adviser of the Town and shall perform such duties in this
connection as may be required by the Board or the President. His com-
pensation shall be determined by the Board. The Town shall have the
power to employ such other legal consultants as it deems necessary from
time to time.