Upper Marlboro 2185
Sec. 82-49. (When Taxes are Overdue). Ordinary Town taxes shall
be due and payable on the first day of July in the year for which they are
levied and shall be overdue and in arrears on the first day of the following
October. They shall bear interest while in arrears at the rate of ½ of one
per cent per month or fraction thereof until paid and in addition thereto,
there shall be a penalty imposed for failure to make payment by or after
that day of y2 of 1% for each month or fraction thereof until paid. All
taxes not paid and in arrears after the first day of the following January
may be collected as provided in Section 82-50 hereof or may be collected by
action of assumpsit as provided in Sections 206 to 211, inclusive, of Article
81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition).
Sec. 82-50. (Sale of Tax Delinquent Property). A list of all prop-
erty on which the Town taxes have not been paid and which are in arrears
as provided by Section 82-49 of this Charter shall be turned over by the
treasurer to the official of the County responsible for the sale of tax
delinquent property as provided in State law. All property listed thereon
shall, if necessary, be sold for taxes by this County official, in the manner
prescribed by State law.
Sec. 82-51. (Fees). All fees received by an officer or employee of the
Town government in his official capacity shall belong to the Town govern-
ment and be accounted for to the Town.
Sec. 85-52. (Audit). The financial books and accounts of the Town
shall be audited annually if and when required by Section 40 of Article 19
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition).
Sec. 82-53. (Authorization To Borrow Money). Notwithstanding
any other provision or limitation of public general or public local law, the
Town shall have the power to borrow money for any public purpose and to
evidence such borrowing by the issue and sale of its general obligation
bonds, or notes issued in anticipation thereof, and shall likewise have
authority to borrow money in anticipation of the receipt of current taxes
and to evidence such borrowing by the issuance and sale of its tax antici-
pation notes, payable as to principal and interest from said taxes when
received, all in the manner prescribed in Sections 31-37, inclusive, of Article
23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, as amended) title
"Municipal Corporations," sub-title "Home Rule," subheading "Creation
of Municipal Public Debt," provided, however, that no referendum shall
be necessary for any issue of bonds made pursuant to the authority con-
tained in this section so long as the total indebtedness of the Town shall
not exceed 2% of the assessable base of real property located within said
Town, and provided further that if the ordinance or ordinances authorizing
the issuance and sale of any of such bonds or notes shall so specify, said
bonds or notes may be sold at private sale, without advertisement or
publication of notice of sale or solicitation of competitive bids. In the
event the Board considers it desirable to borrow in excess of the 2% limita-
tion aforesaid, the ordinance proposing such exercise of borrowing power
shall provide therein for a referendum if the same is petitioned by 20% of
the qualified voters within 40 days of the adoption of said ordinance. In
the event there is no petition for a referendum, the 2% debt limitation
shall not apply except at no time shall the total indebtedness of the Town
exceed 10% of the assessable base of real property located within said
Sec. 82-54. (Payment of Indebtedness). The issuance or sale of
general obligation bonds, or notes in the anticipation thereof, or tax an-
ticipation notes, authorized by Section 82-53 hereof shall constitute a