Upper Marlboro 2187
Sec. 82-59. (Authority to Employ Personnel). The Town shall have
the power to employ such officers and employees as it deems necessary to
execute the powers and duties provided by this Charter or State law and
to operate the Town government.
Sec. 82-60. (Compensation of Employees). The compensation of
all officers and employees of the Town shall be set from time to time by an-
Sec. 82-61. (Retirement System). The Town shall have the power
to do all things necessary to include its officers and employees, or any of
them, within any retirement system or pension system under the terms of
which they are admissible, and to pay the employer's share of the cost
of any such retirement or pension system out of the general funds of the
Sec. 82-62. (Definition of Public Ways). The term "public ways" as
used in this Charter shall include all streets, avenues, roads, highways,
public thoroughfares, lanes and alleys.
Sec. 82-63. (Control of Public Ways). The Town shall have control
of all public ways in the Town except such as may be under the jurisdiction
of the Maryland State Roads Commission or the County Commissioners
for Prince George's County. Subject to the laws of the State of Mary-
land and this Charter, the Town may do whatever it deems necessary to
establish, operate, and maintain in good condition the public ways of the
Sec. 82-64. (Public Ways Powers). The Town shall have the power:
(a) to establish, regulate, and change from time to time the grade lines,
width, and construction materials of any Town public way or part thereof,
bridges, curbs, and gutters, (b) To grade, lay out, construct, open, extend,
and make new Town public ways, (c) To grade, straighten, widen, alter,
improve, or close up any existing Town public way or part thereof, (d) To
pave, surface, repave, or resurface any Town public Way or part thereof,
(e) To install, construct, reconstruct, repair, and maintain curbs and /or
gutters along any Town public way or part thereof, (f) To construct,
reconstruct, maintain, and repair bridges, (g) To name Town public
ways, (h) To have surveys, plans, specifications, and estimates made for
any of the above activities or projects or parts thereof.
Sec. 82-65. (Sidewalks: Powers). The Town shall have the power:
(a) To establish, regulate, and change from time to time the grade lines,
widths, and construction materials of any sidewalks or part thereof on
Town property along any public way or part thereof, (b) To grade, lay
out, construct, reconstruct, pave, repave, repair, extend, or otherwise alter
sidewalks on Town property along any public way or part thereof, (c)
To require that the owners of any property abutting on a sidewalk keep
the sidewalk clear of all ice, snow, and other obstructions, (d) To require
and order the owner of any property abutting on any public way in the
Town to perform any projects authorized by this section at the owner's
expense according to reasonable plans and specifications. If after due
notices the owner fails to comply with the order within a reasonable time,
the Town may do the work, and the expense shall be a lien on the property
and may be collected in the same manner as Town taxes.