Bel Air 2031
North 69° 46' 30" West 144.23 feet, thence North 15° 29' 31" East 567.10
feet to a stone set in the dividing line between the lands of 0. G. Reedy and
that of Kay Construction Company, Inc., and Barfan Realty, Inc., thence
leaving the aforesaid Corporate Limits and running thence with the Reedy
line the following courses and distances: South 59° 06' 14' East 1067.34
feet, thence South 30° 55' 18" West 380.25 feet to a round stone, thence
South 13° 06' 00" West 350.00 feet, thence leaving the lands of O.G. Reedy
and running through the lands of Kay Construction Company., Inc., and
Barfan Realty Inc., North 82° 51' 05" West 284.00 feet, thence South 74°
46' 54" West 339.37 feet to the place of beginning containing 18.1353 acres
more or less, as surveyed by Matz, Childs & Associates, Inc.
Section 4. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution
shall become effective at the end of forty-five (45) days following its final
enactment unless a proper petition for referendum hereon shall be filed, as
permitted by law.
Introduction October 13, 1969
Public Hearing January 12, 1970
Enactment January 12, 1970
Effective February 27, 1970
By: Werner Buchal, Chairman
John F. Gildea, Clerk
Approved: 12 January 1970
Effective: 27 February 1970
Resolution No. 28
of the Commissioners of the Town of Bel Air
to amend the Town Charter
A Resolution of the Commissioners of the Town of Bel Air to amend
subsection (b) of Section 105 and subsection (d) of Section 106 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Harford County, 1965 Edition, said Code
being Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland and
said subsections being a part of the Charter of the Town of Bel Air
and of the Code of the Town of Bel Air, so as to change the provisions
thereof relating to the terms of office of the Commissioners of the
Town of Bel Air, by providing that the terms of office of such Com-
missioners be staggered and be increased from two (2) to four (4)
years, and making these amendments first effective for elections to be
held on the first Monday of December, 1970.
Section 1. BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Town
of Bel Air that subsection (b) of Section 105 and subsection (d) of Section
106 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Harford County, being part of the
Town Charter and of the Code of the Town of Bel Air, be and the same are
hereby amended to read as follows:
105. Commissioners; election, term, quorum, meetings.