2030 Municipal Charters
tained that there are no persons signing the petition who reside in the area
requested to be annexed and who are registered as voters in Harford
County elections in the precinct in which the territory so requested to be
annexed is located, and that the assessment records of Harford County
show that the signers of the petition are the owners of at least 25% of the
assessed valuation of the real property located in the area so requested to
be annexed, all of which will appear by reference to the certificate of
verification dated November 17, 1969, being subscribed by the Chairman
of the Commissioners of Bel Air and Town Counsel.
Section 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Com-
missioners of Bel Air that the corporate boundaries of the Town of Bel Air
be and the same are hereby enlarged by adding or annexing thereto the
area contiguous to and adjoining the present Easterly boundaries of the
Town of Bel Air, as requested in the aforesaid petition and particularly
described in the title to this resolution;
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the conditions
and circumstances applicable to the change in said corporate boundaries
and to the residents of the property in the area so annexed are as follows:
(a) That any persons residing in the area to be annexed and the
owners of all property therein shall be generally subject to the provisions
of the Charter of the Town of Bel Air, without special treatment as to
rates of the municipal tax, or as to municipal services and facilities, except
that they shall not be subject to real estate taxes levied for the year July 1,
1969 to June 30, 1970, by the Town of Bel Air, paying in lieu thereof such
charges as the Commissioners of Bel Air may fix for that year for services
furnished to them by the Town of Bel Air. The exception to the levy for
real estate taxes for the year 1969-70 shall not include any semi-annual
assessment that may become due and payable.
(b) That the area to be annexed shall be or constitute an "R-1"
Single-Family Residence District as described in the Zoning Ordinance of
the Town of Bel Air, and shall be subject to all of the provisions and
conditions in said Ordinance.
Section 3. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Charter
of the Town of Bel Air, being a part of Article 13 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, as recodified by Everstine's Code, 1965 edition, is
hereby amended by adding a new section to be known as Section 104G,
which new section is hereinafter underscored, this amendment to the
Charter to be known as Amendment No. 20, to wit:
Section 104G. Annexed Area No. 18, being comprised of the lands
owned by Kay Construction Company, Inc., and Barfan Realty, Inc., and
described by courses and distances as follows:
BEGINNING for the same, at a point on the North 4° 35' 30" east line
of the Corporate Limit Line of the Town of Bel Air as surveyed by Somer-
ville & Somerville in 1929 and as set forth in the Acts of 1941, Chapter
304, said line being further described as running through the subdivision
of "Ingleside," said point of beginning being North 04° 05' 07" West 201.12
feet from the beginning of the aforesaid line as resurveyed by Matz, Childs
& Associates, Inc., and running thence with the aforesaid Corporate
Limits and as resurveyed the following courses and distances: North 04°
05' 07" West 674.27 feet to a white marble stone marked "M," thence