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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2026   View pdf image
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2026                                Municipal Charters

the Department of Legislative Reference of Maryland, a clear certified
copy of this Resolution showing the number of Aldermen voting for and
against it and a report on the votes cast for or against the amendment
hereby enacted and any referendum thereon and the date of such refer-

The above Charter Amendment was enacted by the foregoing Reso-
lution which was passed at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Annapolis. The Mayor and 7 Aldermen voting in the affirm-
ative and 1 Alderman voting in the negative, 0 Aldermen absent; and
said Resolution becomes effective in accordance with law on the 28th day
of January, 1970.


By: Roger W. Moyer, Mayor


Katherine S. Russell, City Clerk


Harford County

No. 26

Resolution of the Commissioners of Bel Air to
enlarge the corporate boundaries of the Town

of Bel Air and thereby amend

the Charter of the Town of Bel Air by adding thereto
a new section to be known as Section 104F.

A resolution of the Commissioners of Bel Air, adopted pursuant to
the authority of Article XI-E of the Constitution of Maryland, and
Section 19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, (1966
Replacement Volume, 1968 Supp.), title "Corporations, Municipal,"
subtitle "Home Rule," subheading "Annexation," to enlarge the cor-
porate boundaries of the Town of Bel Air, and to amend Everstine's
Code of the Public Local Laws of Harford County, 1965 edition, sub-
title "Bel Air," by adding Section 104F, being a part of Article 18 of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland as re-codified by said
Everstine's Code, a part of the Code of the Town of Bel Air, and a
part of the Charter of the Town of Bel Air, annexing to said corporate
boundaries the following area, contiguous to and adjoining the present
Southerly corporate boundaries of the Town of Bel Air, being lands
owned by The Harford County Fair Association, Inc., which is partic-
ularly described as follows:

BEGINNING for the same at a nail heretofore set in the center line
of Toll Gate Road, at the end of the thirty-first or S 33° 21' 25" W—15.00
foot line of the 138.2470 acre parcel heretofore annexed and added to the
corporate limits of the Town of Bel Air, Harford County, as Annexed Area
No. 15 as described in Section 104D of the Charter of the Town of Bel Air
and of the Code of the Town of Bel Air, said beginning point being dis-
tant 414.18 feet, as measured northwesterly along said center line of Toll


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2026   View pdf image
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