1846 Joint Resolutions
No. 44
(House Joint Resolution 89)
House Joint Resolution expanding the scope of study of the Commis-
sion created September 23, 1970, by the Legislative Council of
Maryland to identify the various functions of government as being
either (1) solely State, (2) solely local, (3) joint State and local
to include recommendations as to modifications of intergovern-
mental fiscal relationships necessary to assure adequate resources
for the performance of these functions, and to expand the member-
ship of the Commission from nine to twelve persons.
Whereas, The Legislative Council of Maryland, on September 23,
1970, created a nine-man Commission to make an in-depth study of
the various functions of government in the State of Maryland in an
attempt to define those functions, if any, which should be solely the
responsibility of the State2 those areas of government which should
be solely the responsibility of the local subdivisions, and those areas
of government which should be jointly shared as to the responsibil-
ity, and
Whereas, The Commission is to consist of nine members, three
appointed by the Governor, three appointed by the President of
the Senate, and three appointed by the Speaker of the House of Dele-
gates, with the charge to the Commission to be the identification of
the various areas of government as being either (1) solely State, (2)
solely local, (3) joint State and local, and
Whereas, The Commission is directed to report the results of this
study along with any fiscal implications to the General Assembly by
January 1, 1972, and
Whereas, An in-depth study of the functions of government can-
not proceed without closely related attention to the modifications of
intergovernmental fiscal relationships required to carry out the re-
sponsibilities and functions assigned to the State and its political
subdivisions. The study must take into account the present assign-
ment of sources of revenue for each branch of government, the need
and potential for developing new sources of revenue, the need to
reassign sources of revenue and the need and methods by which
revenues may be shared among and between the branches of govern-
ment, and
Whereas, In addition, the recommendations arising from a study
so fundamental to the future of State and local government in Mary-
land must be comprehensively and thoughtfully debated and benefit
from the knowledge of persons actively engaged in State and local
government and persons who possess extensive knowledge of the oper-
ation and financing of State and local government and should, there-
fore, include in its membership elected officials of State, county and
municipal government and persons from the general public qualified
to contribute to such a study; now, therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Commis-
sion created September 23, 1970, by the Legislative Council of Mary-
land to identify the various areas of government as being either (1)
solely State, (2) solely local, (3) joint State and local shall expand
the scope of its inquiry to include a study of the methods by which