Marvin Mandel, Governor 1355
280. Corporations and Partnerships.
(a) A corporation or partnership, as such, may not be licensed or
registered to practice landscape architecture or to use any form of
the title "Landscape Architect" in connection with the corporate or
partnership name.
(b) The right to engage in the practice of landscape architecture
is a personal right, based upon the qualifications of the individual
evidenced by his license and is not transferable. All final drawings,
specifications, plans, reports, or other papers or documents involv-
ing the practice of landscape architecture, as defined in Section 271
of this subtitle, when issued, or filed for public record, shall be
dated, and bear the signature and seal of the landscape architect
or landscape architects who prepared or approved them.
(c) Nothing in subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be
construed to prevent the formation of partnerships and corporations
as a vehicle for the practice of landscape architecture subject to the
following conditions:
(1) The practice of or offer to practice landscape architecture
for others as defined in Section 271 of this subtitle by individual
landscape architects licensed under this subtitle through a corpora-
tion as officers, employees or agents, or through a partnership as
partners, officers, employees, or agents, or the offering or rendering
of landscape architectural services by a corporation or partnership
through individual landscape architects licensed under this subtitle
is permitted, subject to the provisions of this subtitle: provided that
(I) one or more of the corporate officers in the case of a corporation,
or one or more of the partners in the case of a partnership, is
designated as being responsible for the professional services de-
scribed in Section 271 of this subtitle of said corporation or part-
nership and is a landscape architect under this subtitle; (II) all
personnel of said corporation or partnership, who act in its behalf
as landscape architects, are licensed under this subtitle; and (III)
said corporation or partnership has been issued a certificate of
authorization by the Board, as hereinafter provided. The require-
ments of this subtitle shall not prevent a corporation and its em-
ployees from performing landscape architectural services for said
corporation or subsidiary or affiliated corporations.
(2) A corporation or partnership desiring a certificate of authori-
zation shall file with the Board an application, on forms provided
by the Board, listing relevant information, including the names and
addresses of all officers and members of the corporation, or officers
and partners of the partnership, and also of an individual or indi-
viduals duly licensed to practice landscape architecture in this State
who shall be in responsible charge of the practice of landscape
architecture in this State through said corporation or partnership,
and other information required by the Board accompanied by an
original authorization fee to be determined by the Board. A form,
giving the same information, must accompany the annual renewal
fee to be determined by the Board. In the event there should be a
change in any of these persons during the year, such change shall
be designated on the same form and filed with the Board within
thirty (30) days after the effective date of said change. If all of
the requirements of this section are met, the Board shall issue a