Marvin Mandel, Governor 13
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby de-
clared to be an emergency measure and necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public health and safety, and having been passed
by a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths of the members
elected to each of the two houses of the General Assembly, the same
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 25, 1971.
(Senate Bill 565)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, subsection (a)
of Section 1 of Chapter 689 of the 1968 Laws of Maryland, to
prohibit Prince George's County from constructing a public air-
port facility in Prince George's County, at, adjacent to, or in the
general vicinity of that site which was specified in said Chapter
689 of the 1968 Laws of Maryland; to permit the County to locate
said public airport facility at another location within Prince
George's County provided adequate safeguards are provided to
limit the noise, safety and nuisance hazards imposed on the resi-
dents of the immediate area by such a facility and the impact of
the project on the local environment.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That subsection (a) of Section 1 of Chapter 689 of the 1968 Laws of
Maryland be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
(a) The term "public airport facilities" shall mean the acquisition,
by any legal means, of land or property, or any air rights or other
rights or interests, and clearance easements, located in Prince
George's County [generally in the southwest quadrant of the inter-
section of Maryland Route 214 and U. S. Route 301 or relating there-
to] provided, however, that such a public airport facility shall not
be constructed at, adjacent to, or in the vicinity of the southwest
quadrant of the intersection of Maryland Route 214 and U. S. Route
301; such a public airport facility may be located at any other site
within Prince George's County provided adequate safeguards have
been provided to limit the noise, safety and nuisance hazards im-
posed on the residents of the immediate area by such a facility or
relating thereto and the impact of the project on the local environ-
ment and the establishment, construction, enlargement, alteration,
improvement and equipping of an airport or airports including,
without limitation, buildings, permanent improvements and access
roads thereto, on said land or property, or on any land or property
now or hereafter owned or controlled by the County, for public
purposes, and for doing any and all things necessary in connection
therewith or pertaining thereto, including, without limitation, the
architectural and engineering services incident thereto.