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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1285   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                        1285

erans Commission shall be part of the State Department of Employ-
ment and Social Services. Members shall be eligible for reappoint-
ment to the Commission. All persons who are members of the
Commission as of August 31, 1970, shall continue to serve as
members until the expiration of the terms to which they were
appointed. All appointments to the Commission shall be for seven-
year terms. The department commander of the American Legion,
the department commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the
department commander of the Disabled American Veterans, the
department commander of the Spanish-American Veterans, the de-
partment commander of the World War 1 Veterans, the department
commander of the Catholic War Veterans and the department com-
mander of the Jewish War Veterans shall constitute an advisory
committee to the Commission, who shall serve at the pleasure of the
Secretary of Employment and Social Services, without vote.

The members of the Commission as thus constituted shall serve
without pay; members of the Commission shall be paid actual
traveling expenses necessitated by their duties, when authorized and
approved by the Commission.

The Maryland Veterans Commission, subject to the provisions of
Article 41, Section 205C of this Code, shall make such rules and
regulations as it may deem necessary for administration and dis-
bursement of such veterans' relief funds as are provided for in the
budget, and the State Service Officer, hereinafter provided for, shall
approve all bills and vouchers before payment by the Comptroller.

There shall be a committee of [seven] eight persons, to be known
as the advisory Maryland veterans committee, composed of the
current department commanders, respectively, of the American
Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Disabled American Vet-
erans, the Spanish-American War Veterans, the World War I Vet-
erans, the Catholic War Veterans, [and] the Jewish War Veterans
[.] , and the designee of the Fleet Reserve Association as determined
by its Board of Directors of Branch 6.
The members of such com-
mittee shall serve without pay and the committee shall advise and
work with the Maryland Veterans Commission in the duties im-
posed upon them by this subtitle, but shall not be members of the

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1971.

Approved May 17, 1971.

(House Bill 1372)

AN ACT to add new Section 8-41 to the Code of Public Local Laws of
Washington County (1970 Edition, being Article 22 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title "Washington County,"
subtitle "8. County Commissioners," to follow immediately after
Section 8-40 thereof, as added by Chapter 409 of the Acts of 1961


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1285   View pdf image
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