1284 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 617
ever be detained in a jail or other facility for the detention of adults
or in a facility to which delinquents have been committed.
(d) A child alleged to be in need of supervision shall not be de-
tained in a jail or other facility intended or used for the detention of
adults charged with criminal offense or for children adjudicated or
alleged to be delinquent unless (1) adequate facilities have not been
established, and (2) it appears to the satisfaction of the court or
other person designated by the court that public safety and protec-
tion reasonably require such detention. No child shall ever be con-
fined in a jail or other facility for the detention of adults, unless in a
room or ward entirely separated from adults. After January 1,
[1972] 1975, no child alleged to be in need of supervision shall ever
be detained in a jail or other facility for the detention of adults or
in a facility to which children alleged or adjudicated delinquent have
been detained or committed.
(b) If an adequate facility required by this section has not been
established, the court may approve a facility under the supervision
and control of the State departments of juvenile services, social serv-
ices, mental hygiene and other appropriate child-care agencies, for
temporary use as such facility; but the use of a facility which does
not meet the requirement of this section may not continue beyond
January 1, [1972] 1975.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1971.
Approved May 17, 1971.
(House Bill 1369)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 3 of
Article 96½ of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964 Replacement
Volume and 1970 Supplement), title "Veterans," subtitle "Relief
Fund," adding the Fleet Reserve Association to the advisory
Maryland veterans committee.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 3 of Article 96½ of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1964 Replacement Volume and 1970 Supplement), title "Veterans,"
subtitle "Relief Fund," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, and to read as follows:
The Secretary of Employment and Social Services, with the ap-
proval of the Governor, shall appoint a Commission, known as the
"Maryland Veterans Commission," to be composed of seven Mary-
land veterans, one of whom shall be designated by the Secretary of
Employment and Social Services as chairman. The Maryland Vet-