Volume 702, Page 38 View pdf image |
38) all that Part of a Tra^c^t of Land called Scotland containing two hundred Acres more or Less with the appurtenances lying in the County aforesaid together with the Houses Buildings Orchards C Cornfields and Improvements thereto belonging Late in the Tenner and Occupation of the said Charles Homwood ( but now in the Actual Possession of the said Thomas Jennings by force of an Indenture of bargain and sale thereof made bearing Date the Day before the Date of these Presents ^and^ of the statute Statute for transferring of uses into Possession being) To have and to hold the said Part of a Tract of Land and Premisses with the appurtenances hereby given Granted rel^e^ased and Confirmed or mentioned or intended to be hereby Given Granted released and Confirmed unto the said Thomas Jenning and his Assignes for and During ^the Natural^ Lives of the said Charles Homwood and John Brice to the Intent and Purpose that the Said Thomas Jennings shall and may be perfect Tenant of the Freehold of the ^said^ Land and Premisses until one or more good and Perfect Recovery or Recoveries may be had against him the said Thomas Jennings of the same Land and Premisses and it is covenanted granted Concluded and agreed by and Between all the Parties to these Presents that it Shall and may be Lawfull to and for the Said Benjamin Beall before the Last Day of the next Provincial Court to prosecute out of the High Court of Chancery one or more Writ or Writs of Entry Sur Disseisin in the Post against the said Thomas Jennings returnable to the next Provincial Court whereby the Said Benjamin Beall shall and may respectively Demand against the said Thomas Jennings all and Singular the afore mentioned Premisses with the Appurtenances by Such Name or Names qantity or qantitys Quality or Qualitys number or Content of Acres as Shall be though fit and requisite unto which Said Writ or Writs the Said Thomas Jennings Shall appear in Proper Person and Shall Vouch to Warranty the said Charles Homwood (and) |
Volume 702, Page 38 View pdf image |
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