Volume 702, Page 12 View pdf image |
12) Earther Clays and Every Advantage thereunto belonging or appertaining as well on the Eighth part of the Land aded thereunto by Virtue of the said Spetiel Warrant of Reservey as on the Eighth part of the said tract Called fountain unto him the said Samuel Gilbert he his heirs and assigns shall and will Warrant and for ever Defend From himself and his heirs Executors & Administrators and from Every ^other^ person by or under him or them Either heretofore or hereafter unto him the said Samuel Gilbert his heirs and assigns for ever in Witness thereof he hath hereunto set his hand and seal the Day and year above Written signed seald and Delivered John Webster seal In the Presents of John Hall Aquila Hall On the Back of the foregoing Indenture was thus endorsed Viz.t 1756 June 4.th Then Came John Webster and acknowledged the within Deed and the Land and Premisses within mentioned to be the Right Title Interest and Estate of Samuel Gilbert his heirs and assigns for ever before one of the Provincial Justices John Hall Also Came Hannah the wife of him the said Webster and acknowledged her Right of Dower to the within Land Premisses to be the Right Title Estate of him the within mentioned Samuel Gilbert his heirs and assigns for Ever and that she did it frely without Dread or threats for her said husband before me John Hall Memorand.m on the Resurvey of the within Tract Called the fountain there was The quantity of seventy acres of Wacant Land aded Certified P this 16 Sep.t 1756 Received of M.r Samuel Gilbert ten pence three farthings sterling for his Lordships use (it being the Alienation fine on the within mentioned Lands by Virtue of a Commission from Edward Lloyd Esq.r his Lordships Agent and Receiver General 6 s.d Recorded Sep.t 15 1756 Rich.d Dorsey |
Volume 702, Page 12 View pdf image |
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