Volume 701, Page 416 View pdf image |
416) above named hath hereunto set his hand and Affixed his Seal the Day and Year first above Written Signed Sealed and Delivered John Howard son of Gid.n Seal in the Presence of Us John Ducker On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed Lance Todd (Viz.t) Sept.r 28.th 1753 Then Received of M.r Philip Hammond the Sum of three hundred pounds Current Money of Maryland being the Consideration within mentioned Test.s John Ducker Lance Todd John Howard Son of Gid.n Sept.r 28.th 1753 Then Came John Howard Son of Gideon and Acknowledged the within Instrument as his Act and Deed and all and singular the Premisses therein contained to be the Right and Estate of the within named Philip Hammond his Heirs and Assignes for ever according to the true intent and meaning of these Presents and the Act of Assembly in such Cases made and Provided Before me the Subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court the Day and Year above set down 12 Recorded Sept.r 29.th 1753 Jn.o Brice Ex.d To all whom these Presents shall Come I Thomas Winterbottom Esq.r Lord Mayor of the City of London In Pursuance of an Act of Parliament made and passed In the fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the second Intituled an Act for the more easy Recovery of Debts in his Majesties Plantations and Colonies in America Do hereby certify that on the Day of the Date hereof personally came and appeared before me William Shield Gentleman the Deponant named in the Affidavit hereunto annexed being a Person well known and worthy of good Credit and by solemn Oath which the said Deponant then took before me upon the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God did solemnly sincerely declare testify and Depose to be true the several Matters and things mentioned and contained in the said Affidavit Annexed In faith and Testimony whereof I the said The City Lord Mayor have caused the Seal of the Office of the Seal of Mayoralty of the said City of London to be hereunto put and London affixed And the Letter of Attorney mentioned and referred to in and by the said Affidavit to be hereunto also annexed dated in London the twenty eighth Day of Aprill in the Year of our Lord 1752 William Shield of Red Cross Street in the Parish of S.t Giles's without (Cripplegate) |
Volume 701, Page 416 View pdf image |
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