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40) unto his said Attorney full Power and Lawfull Authority for him the said Constituent in his Name and for his Use to Ask demand Levy Sue for and by all lawfull ways and means recover and receive of and from all and every or any Person or Persons whom it shall or may concern Inhabitting or being in the Province of Maryland afs.d all such Sum and Sums of Money Goods Wares Merchandize Effects Estate and things whatsoever which now are or shall or may hereafter be due owing payable belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said Constituent whether by Bond Note Bill Book Debt Account Consignment Contract Agreement Decree Sentence Judgment Execution Extent or for by or upon any other Account way Reason or means soever nothing in Law or Equity excepted or reserved And to that end with all and every or any Person or Persons concerned to Account and to view State Settle and adjust all Accounts and the Ballance thereof to receive And upon Recovery and receipts to give one or more Acquittances or other sufficient discharges in due form of Law But in case of the refusal or delay by all and every or any Person or Persons concerned to make and render just and true Account, Payment, delivery and Satisfaction in the Premisses him her them or any of them thereunto to compel by all Lawfull ways and means whatsoever Also (if need be) to appear before all or any Lords Judges and Justices in any Court or Courts there to Answer Defend and Reply in all matters and Causes touching or concerning the Premisses to do say pursue Implead Seize Sequester Attach Arrest Imprison and to condemn and out of Prison again to deliver Also to Compound Conclude and Agree by Arbitration or otherwise as his said Attorneys shall think fit And Generally in and concerning the Premisses to do perform and execute all and whatsoever shall be requisite and necessary as fully amply and effectually to all Intents Constructions and Purposes as he the said Constituant might or could do if personally present With Power to Substitute one or more Attorneys under him with like or limitted Power and the same again to revoke He the said William Black hereby ratifying confirming and holding for good and valid all and whatsoever the said James Dick or his Substitutes shall Lawfully do or cause to be done in or about the Premisses by Virtue of these Presents Thus done and passed in London afs.d in the Presence of the under written Witnesses Sealed & Delivered (being first duly Will.m Black Seal Stampt) in the Presence of J.s Maccubbin Amb.s Judd In Preemissorum fidem Seal Will Tudman Not.s Pub.s 1748 5.th December 1749 Then came James Maccubbin before me the Subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that he saw M.r William Black of London Sign Seal and deliver the above Instrument of Writing and that Ambrose Judd the other Subscribing Evidence was present at the same time 5 1/2 Geo Steuart Recorded February 1.st 1749 Ex.d This Indenture made the third Day of February Anno Dom one Thousand seven hundred & forty nine Between M.r Richard Snowden of Ann Arundle County in the Province of Maryland Iron Master of the one part and Mary Davis and Sarah Davis of said County & Province Spinsters of the other part Witnesseth that the said Richard Snowden for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred & eleven Pounds Sterling Money of England to him in hand paid by the said Mary and Sarah Davis at and before ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof he the said Richard Snowden Doth hereby Acknowledge and himself therewith to be fully Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof Doth Clearly Acquit and Discharge the said Mary & Sarah Davis their Heirs Executors and Adm.rs for ever And by these Presents hath Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed and by these Presents Doth fully clearly and Absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfeoff and Confirm unto the said Mary & Sarah Davis their Heirs & Assigns for ever all that (Piece) |
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