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38) and Fences thereunto belonging and also the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Right and Estate Interest Benefit Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said Burridge Scott of in and to all and Singular the said Premisses and of in and to every part and Parcell of them To have and to hold the said Land and Premisses herein before mentioned and intended to be hereby Granted with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said Edward Dorsey his Heirs and Assigns for Ever to the only use and Behoof of him the said Edward Dorsey his Heirs & Assigns And the said Burridge Scott for himself and his Heirs the said Tract or Parcell of Land unto him the said Edward Dorsey his Heirs and Assigns against all Persons whatsoever shall and will Warrant and Defend Provided always and these Presents are upon this Condition Nevertheless that if the said Burridge Scott his Heirs Ex.rs or Adm.rs or any of them shall well and truly Pay or cause to be paid to the said Edward Dorsey his Ex.rs Adm.rs or Assigns the said Sum of Sixty nine Pounds Eight Shillings & one penny Current Money on or before the first day of March next Ensuing the date hereof with Legal Interest for the same together with the Charges of Recording this Deed then this Present Indenture and the Estate hereby made shall cease and determine and the Lands and Premisses become the Right and Estate of the said Burridge Scott and his Heirs and the said Burridge Scott for himself his Heirs Ex.rs and Adm.rs doth hereby Covenant and Agree to & with the said Edward Dorsey his Ex.rs Adm.rs & Assigns that he the said Burridge Scott shall and will Pay unto the said Edward Dorsey his Ex.rs or Adm.rs the said Sum of Sixty nine Pounds eight Shillings and One Penny with Legal Interest for the same on the said first day of March next In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto Interchangeably set their Hands and Seals the day and Year first above written Sealed and Delivered Burrage Scott Seal in the Presence of Robert Gordon At the foot of the aforegoing Mortgage was thus Henry Woodward written Viz.t October the third 1749 Reced of M.r Edward Dorsey the Sum of Sixty nine Pounds Eight Shillings and one Penny Current Money being the Consideration Money within mentioned Burrage Scott Witness Robert Gordon Henry Woodward Came before me the Subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court Burridge Scott and acknowledged the within Deed as his Act and Deed and the Lands and Premisses therein mentioned to be the Right and Estate of the within named Edw.d Dorsey according to the true Intent and meaning thereof 6 1/2 Acknowledged before me this 3.d day of October 1749 Recorded Decem.r the 22.d 1749 Robert Gordon Ex.d This Indenture made this Nineteenth day of December seventeen hundred forty nine Between George Rock of Baltimore County Gent of the one Part and Stephen Onion and Alexander Lawson of the same County Gent of the other Part Whereas the said George Rock is Indebted to the several Persons the Sums mentioned in his Mortgage Deed of the Tenth Day of November last past made to the said Stephen Onion and Alexander Lawson Referrence thereunto had will fully appear And Whereas also the said George Rock hath by his Deed of Mortgage bearing date the first day of October last did make Over unto Daniel Dulany of Annapolis Esq.r Twenty Acres of Land in Cecil County on North East River laid out for Building a Grist Mill for the Payment of forty Eight Pounds seven Shillings and five pence Sterling Money as also for the Security of a Bill of Exchange drawn by the said George Rock Payable to the said Daniel Dulany for the Sum of One hundred Eighty four Pounds four Shillings and three Pence as by the said Deed Remaining on Record in the Provincial Court Reference thereto had will fully appear And Whereas the said Stephen Onion and Alexander Lawson undertakes the Redemption & Payment of said Mortgage to said Daniel Dulany and that they may be the better Secured as well on Acc.o of the former Mortgage as of the Payment to be made by this Deed (Now) |
Volume 701, Page 38 View pdf image |
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