Volume 701, Page 223 View pdf image |
223) as by him the said Lewis Griffith his Heirs or Assigns or his or their Council learned in the Law shall be Reasonably Advised Devised or Required In Witness whereof the said Plumber Iiams to this present Indenture hath set his hand and Affixed his Seale the day and Year first above Written Sealed & Delivered Plumer Iiams In Presence of Jn.o Brice Philip Warfield On the back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed Viz.t fs ^It is to^ Be it Remembered that on this thirteenth Day of November Anno Dom 1751 The within Named Plumer Iiams ^personally^ appeared before me John Brice one of the Lord Proprys Justices of the Provincial Court of Maryland and Acknowledged the within Written Indenture to be his Act and Deed and y.e Lands and Premisses therein mentioned with their Appurtenances to be the Sole Right and Property of the also within named Lewis Griffith his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the Purport and true meaning of the same Deed and the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided At the same time M.rs Ruth Iiams the Wife of the said Plumer Iiams being by me privately Examined out of Ken or hearing of the same Plumer freely Confessed and Declared that she Voluntarily and of her own Accord gave up all her Right Title and Interest of Dower of in and unto the before mentioned Lands and Premisses with their Appurtenances to him the ^afore^said Lewis Griffith his Heirs and Assigns for ever without any Threats of her said Husband or fear of his displeasure and prayed this her Recognition and Acknowledgm.t may be Recorded where the same by Law ought In Testimony whereof ^thereunto^ I have subscribed my Name the date above Written Jn.o Brice Reced Nov.r y.e 13.th 1751 of Lewis Griffith the Sum.s of Sixty Pounds Sterl Money and two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco being the Consideration for the within Lands Test Jn.o Brice I say received P Plumer Iiams Philip Warfield I have for his Lordships Use four Shillings & eight pence sterling of the within Lewis Griffith being for the Alienation fine of the within Lands this 27.th Nov.r 1751 11 Recorded Nov.r 27.th 1751 Benj.a Tasker Ex.d This Indenture made this Twenty ninth day of October in the Year of our Lord Christ One Thousand seven hundred and fifty one Between Isaac Freemen of Kent County in Maryland Planter of the one part and Andrew Pearce of the same County planter of the other part Whereas the same Isaac Freeman in September Term last pas did Commence Prosecute and bring one Writ of Entry sur Disseisin in the Provincial Court of Maryland afsd against the same Andrew Pearce thereby demanding all that Tract or Parcel of Land called Marshy Point lying and being in Kent County afsd Beginning at a Bounded Locust Post standing on the East side of the Mouth of a Creek of Sassafras River formerly called Tactsons Creek being the place where the Original beginning Cedar stood and running from the said Post South East three hundred and six Perches which comes to a Creek called Corwallis's Creek mentioned in the Original Grant then down with the same North nineteen Degrees East forty two Perches then North fifty eight Degrees East forty Perches then East twenty Perches then North (Twenty) |
Volume 701, Page 223 View pdf image |
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