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331) in our Name but with the Advice and consent of our Councel and the Delegates of the Freemen of the said Province in Assembly conven'd to make and enact such Laws as you and they shall think convenient for the good Government of the Inhabitants in our said Provinces as likewise to repeal or alter any Law or Laws whatever already enacted in the said Provinces as you with the Advice and Consent aforesaid shall think fit and expedient Provided such Laws so to be enacted be not repugnant to the Laws of Great Britain nor destructive or invading of the Prerogative Royal granted to the Lord Proprietary of the said Provinces all which Laws you are hereby required to transmitt to us for our Confirmation or Disallowance of them And We Do further by these Presents grant full Power and Authority to our said trusty and well beloved Thomas Bladen to exercise execute and put in practice all and every Power or Powers Jurisdictions and Authorities whatsoever granted ^in and^ by the Letters Pattents of his late Majesty King Charles the first of blessed Memory unto our Noble Ancestor Cecilius Calvert Baron of Baltimore his heirs and assigns in as ample a manner as if We were there Personally present and generally to do execute and perform all manner of matters and Things necessary for the good Order Government Administration and Execution of Justice the Maintenance of our just Rights and Prerogatives and for the Defence Peace and Preservation of our said Provinces and the Inhabitants thereof To have and to hold the said Offices Stations and Powers with all and singular the Rights Emoluments and Priviledges thereunto belonging and appertaining during our Pleasure observing nevertheless and performing such orders and Instructions as We from time to time shall send ^to^ you our said Trusty and welbeloved Thomas Bladen Provided always that nothing herein before contained shall be deemed construed taken to extend or give any Power or Authority to you the said Thomas Bladen to do suffer or acquiesce in or agree unto any Thing by means or Reason whereof either We or our heirs may be impeach'd hurt or prejudic'd in our Royalties Jurisdictions Rights Titles Property or Interest of in and to our said Provinces or any part thereof any Thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding And Lastly We Do by these Presents revoke repeal and make void all former Commission or Commissions (formerly) |
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