Volume 697, Page 459 View pdf image |
(459) East Four hundred and Eighty perches thence
with a streight Lyne to the beginning Containing and laid out for Five Hundred Acres Together with all Houses plantations Fences Improvements Rights Privilledges and all manner of appurtenances to the same Belonging or in any Wise appurtaining To Have and To Hold the Land aforesaid Numbered or Called the first part of the second Discovery and premisses aforesaid unto him the said Will.m Worthington his heirs and assigns for Ever To the only proper use and Behoof of him the said William Worthington his heirs and assigns and to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever And the said Vachel Denton Doth for himselfe his heirs Executors ^and adm.rs^ And the said Vachel Denton Doth for himselfe his heirs Executors & Administrators Covenant promise Grant and Agree to and with the said William Worthington his heirs and assigns That he the said Vachel Denton and his heirs the Tract of Land and premisses aforesaid and all and singular the appurtenances freely and Clearly acquitted exonerated and Discharged of and from all former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Joyntures Dowers Title of Dower Statutes Recognizances Judgments Executions Extents Wills Entails and of and from all other incumbrances whatsoever (the rents from henceforth to become due to the Lord of the Fee only excepted) unto the said William Worthington his heirs and assigns for Ever from and against him the said Vachel Denton his heirs and assigns and from all other persons whatsoever will well and truly Warrant and for Ever after Defend And further he the said Vachel Denton doth for himselfe his heirs Executors & Administrators Covenant Promise Grant and Agree to and with the said William Worthington his heirs and assignes that he the said Vachel Denton and his heirs shall and will at any time or times hereafter at the Reasonable request Cost & Charges in the Law of him the said William Worthington his heirs or assignes make doe acknowledge suffer and Execute or Cause to other reasonable Act or Acts thing or things Conveyances or Assureances in the Law whatsoever as by the said William Worthington his heirs or assignes or his or their Councill Learned in the Law shall be reasonably advised devised or required for the further and more perfect assurance surety and sure making the Lands and Premisses aforesaid unto him the said William Worthington his heirs and assigns for ever in Witness (Whereof) |
Volume 697, Page 459 View pdf image |
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