Marvin Mandel, Governor 91
(House Bill 1119)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 378(d)
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Charles County (1969 Edi-
tion, being Article 9 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land), title "Charles County," subtitle "Sheriff," to provide for
salaries of the deputy sheriffs of Charles County set by the sched-
ule of salaries for the Maryland State Police eliminating any action
by the Board of Public Safety.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 378(d) of the Code of Public Local Laws of Charles
County (1969 Edition, being Article 9 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland), title "Charles County," subtitle "Sheriff," be
and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read
as follows:
(d) The salary of the Sheriff is fixed by Section 37(h) of Article
87 of the Annotated Code, as amended from time to time. [The
salaries of the deputy sheriffs shall be set by action of the Board
of Public Safety and confirmed by the approval of the appropria-
tion of budget funds for these salaries by the County Commis-
sioners.] The salaries of the deputy sheriffs, based on rank and
length of service, shall correspond to the salary schedule of the
Maryland State Police employees as set forth in Section 23 of Arti-
cle 88B of the Annotated Code of Maryland. As of July 1, 1970,
all deputy sheriffs shall continue their position with the following
ranks: patrolmen are within rank I; privates first class are within
rank II; corporals are within rank III; sergeants are within rank
IV; lieutenants are within rank V. Ranks VI to X of the schedule
of Section 23 of Article 88B shall not be applicable to the deputy
sheriffs of Charles County. Any change or amendment in the salary
schedule in Section 23(a) of Article 88B shall apply to the deputy
sheriffs of Charles County. As of July 1, 1970, each deputy sheriff
shall be placed in the rank that corresponds to his position. He shall
be placed in the first step of that rank unless his present salary is
more than that step, then his step shall correspond to his present
salary, hut he shall not receive a lesser salary, nor shall he he demot-
ed as a result of the implementation of their salary schedule. All
deputy sheriffs shall receive the salary for the next step within his
rank upon each anniversary date which means (1) July first, as to
all persons who are deputy sheriffs on July 1, 1970, or (2) the date
of employment as to all other deputies. Upon promotion, a deputy
sheriff shall he entitled to the pay specified for the new rank in the
same step as that occupied before promotion, except that if such
step is higher than that held by any employee who (1) is already
in the rank and (2) has equal or higher total service time, a deputy
sheriff upon promotion shall be entitled only to the pay specified for
the new rank in the step next lower than that occupied before pro-
motion. The Board of County Commissioners shall make such ap-
propriations for these salaries.