Marvin Mandel, Governor 501
inspector at an annual salary of $3,600, and six part-time inspectors
at an annual salary of $1,800 each. In addition to the above-
mentioned salary, each of the said inspectors shall be reimbursed
for travel expenses reasonably incurred by them, subject to the ap-
proval of the State Comptroller. The seven inspectors so appointed
for Anne Arundel County shall have all the powers of a peace officer
or a constable or sheriff of the State of Maryland, and shall make
oath to faithfully perform the duties entrusted to them, as provided
in Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of Maryland,
and shall furnish bond in the penalty of two thousand dollars
($2,000) to the board of license commissioners of Anne Arundel
County and the Board of County Commissioners of Anne Arundel
County jointly, conditioned "that said inspector shall well and faith-
fully execute the said office in all things appertaining thereto." The
cost of said bond shall be paid by the County Commissioners of Anne
Arundel County. The inspectors for Anne Arundel County shall
be known as the "liquor inspectors for Anne Arundel County." There
shall be a full time executive secretary to the board whose annual
salary shall be fixed by the board not exceeding $7,500 nor less than
$6,500. There shall be a full-time secretary to the board whose annual
salary shall be fixed by the board not exceeding $6,360 nor less than
$5,500, and a full-time clerk to the board at an annual salary of
$3,300, and an attorney to the board, at an annual salary of $3,000.
(3) Whenever in the judgment of the board of license commis-
sioners for Anne Arundel County it shall be necessary for the pres-
ervation of the safety, health, and morals of the community to pro-
hibit women from being employed in or from frequenting any licensed
premises it shall have power to prohibit any women from entering
such premises, and shall have power to restrict such place to a "Stag
Bar," meaning a place where men only are permitted to patronize or be
employed therein.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1970.
Approved April 15, 1970
(House Bill 1340)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 37(p) of
Article 87 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1969 Replacement
Volume), title "Sheriffs," subtitle "Compensation and Duties,"
to provide for an increase in the salary of the Sheriff for Prince
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 37(p) of Article 87 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1969 Replacement Volume), title "Sheriffs," subtitle "Compensation
and Duties," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments to read as follows: