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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 450   View pdf image
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450                              Laws of Maryland                       Ch. 177

($10,000.00); the attorney for the board shall receive an annual sal-
ary of [three] five thousand six hundred dollars [($3,600.00)]
($5,600.00), and said attorney for the board shall receive no other
compensation or fees for the performance of his duties or for services
performed for or on behalf of the board including representing the
board in any appeal from rulings of the board. The County Commis-
sioners are authorized to appropriate and levy a sum sufficient
to pay for all expenses of the Prince George's County board of license
commissioners upon the submission of an annual budget. In such
budget, the salary of the members of the board shall be approved as
hereinbefore set forth; all other expenses, including, but not re-
stricted to, the compensation of the inspectors, the compensation of
the administrator as limited herein, compensation of other personnel,
who shall be qualified and employed under the county merit system,
printing, supplies, and office space, shall be at the discretion of the
Board of County Commissioners for Prince George's County.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1970.

Approved April 15, 1970

(House Bill 429)

AN ACT to add a new Section 18-1(i) to the Code of Public Local
Laws of Prince George's County (1963 Edition and 1967 Supple-
ment, being Article 17 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land), title "Prince George's County," subtitle "County Commis-
sioners," to follow immediately after Section 18-1(h) thereof and
to provide that for every lease and renewal thereof of real estate
executed by any department, board, commission, county officer
or institution of the County, including the Board of Education,
the County Commissioners shall disclose as a matter of public rec-
ord certain information concerning said leases and providing what
shall be deemed public disclosure.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a new Section 18-1(i) be and the same is hereby added to the
Code of Public Local Laws of Prince George's County (1963 Edition,
and 1967 Supplement, being Article 17 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland), title "Prince George's County," subtitle "County
Commissioners," to follow immediately after Section 18-1 (h) thereof,
and to read as follows:


(i) Leasehold Property. For every lease and renewal thereof of
real estate executed by any department, board, commission, County
officer or institution including the Board of Education of the County
on behalf of the County, the County Commissioners shall disclose as
a matter of public record the name of the landlord, the annual rental
and the location of the leased property. Sufficient public disclosure
shall be the maintenance of a set of books at the office of the County


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 450   View pdf image
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