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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 419   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                         419

And such assignment shall be recorded [on the record in the office
of the clerk of the court where the original mortgage is recorded,
and at or near the foot of said mortgage, in a blank to be left by the
clerk who shall record such mortgage] photographically by the clerk
of the court with an attachment or rider thereto affixed which shall
contain the names of the parties as they appear on the original
mortgage, together with a reference to the book number and page
number where such mortgage has been recorded;
and the names of
the assignor or assignors and of the assignee or assignees shall be
indexed in the general alphabetical index provided for in Sections
54 and 55 of Article 17 of the Annotated Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland.


Such release at the option of the clerks of court in whose offices
the book form of recording is used
may be written by the mortgagee,
or his assignee, or the trustee under a deed of trust, upon the record
in the office where the mortgage, or deed of trust is recorded, and
attested by the clerk of the court; and the clerk of court in whose
offices the book form of recording is used
at the time of recording
every mortgage, or deed of trust shall leave a blank space at the
foot thereof for the purpose of entering such release.


[Or, such a] Such release [may] shall be endorsed on the
original mortgage or deed of trust by the mortgagee or his assignee,
or the trustee under a deed of trust; and upon such mortgage or the
deed of trust, with the release thereon endorsed, being filed in the
office in which the mortgage or deed of trust is recorded, the clerk
shall record such release [at the foot of the mortgage or deed of
trust] photographically, with an attachment or rider thereto affixed
which shall contain the names of the parties as they appear on the
original mortgage or deed of trust, together with a reference to the
book number and page number where such mortgage or deed of
trust has been recorded.


When the mortgage or the deed of trust, with the release thereon,
is filed for the purpose of recording the release, the clerk shall retain
such mortgage or deed of trust in his office and not permit the same
to be again withdrawn for a period of twenty-five (25) years, after
which time he may destroy it; provided, however, that if the [release
is partial in its character, after the recording of the same, the clerk
may permit the mortgage or deed of trust to be withdrawn] clerk's
method of recording is such that he preserves a photographic copy
of the release described in Section 36 of this Article, he may then
permit such original mortgage or deed of trust with the release
thereon to be withdrawn.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency measure and necessary for the immedi-
ate preservation of the public health and safety and having been
passed by a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths of all the
members elected to each of the two houses of the General Assembly,
the same shall take effect from the date of its passage.

Approved April 15, 1970


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 419   View pdf image
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