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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 420   View pdf image
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420                              Laws of Maryland                        Ch. 151

(House Bill 49)

AN ACT to add new Sections 49A and 50C to Article 26 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1966 Replacement Volume and
1969 Supplement), title "Courts," subtitle "Pensions of Judges
and Their Widows," to follow immediately after Sections 49 and
50B respectively, thereof, to provide for an increase in retirement
allowance for Judges or their widows except under certain cir-

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Sections 49A and 50C be and they are hereby added to
Article 26 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1966 Replacement
Volume and 1969 Supplement), title "Courts," subtitle "Pensions of
Judges and Their Widows," to follow immediately after Sections 49
and 50B respectively, and to read as follows:

49 A. Increase in Retirement Allowance to Retired Judges.

Any judge on July 1, 1970, who is receiving a retirement allow-
ance under the provisions of subsections (a), (b), or (c) of Section
49 of this Article shall receive an additional retirement allowance
equal to one-sixth of the retirement allowance provided under sub-
sections (a), (b), or (c) of Section 49 of this Article. Any judge
who is receiving a supplementation of the retirement allowance from
a county or Baltimore City shall not receive the additional retirement
allowance provided in this section unless his supplementation is
reduced by an amount equivalent to the increase in retirement allow-
ance provided under this section.

50C. Increase in Retirement Allowance for Widows.

In the case of any judge whose retirement allowance was based
upon the provisions of Sections 49(a), (b), or (c) of this Article, his
widow, who was on July 1, 1970 receiving benefits under Section 50
of this Article, shall receive an additional retirement allowance equal
to one-sixth of the retirement allowance provided under Section 50
of this Article. Any such widow who is receiving a supplementation
of the retirement allowance from a county or Baltimore City shall
not receive the additional retirement allowance provided in this
section unless her supplementation is reduced by an amount equiv-
alent to the increase in retirement allowance provided under this

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1970.

Approved April 15, 1970

(House Bill 62)

AN ACT to add new Sections 95, 95A, 95B, 95C and 95D to Article
21 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1966 REPLACEMENT
VOLUME AND 1969 Supplement), title "Conveyancing," sub-


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 420   View pdf image
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