Howard County 2809
(2) Any one or two, when related, of the following may be so
specified; electrically operated heating equipment, electrically operated air
conditioning, and refrigeration equipment, electrically operated elevators,
cranes, hoists, and pumps, electrical display signs, motor repairs, motor
services, radio, television, television antennas, electronic devices or house-
hold appliances.
(3) The holder of this license, other than that issued for radio,
television, electronic devices, motor repairs, and motor services, shall be
permitted to make installation of electrical wiring from point of distribution
to, and including, the equipment or appliance being installed.
(4) This license may be issued to any firm, or corporation if, and so
long as it has in its employ at least one holder of a Master Electrician—
Restricted License.
(c) Master Electrician—Limited
(1) This license may be issued to any person, firm or corporation
determined to be eligible under this Act, and shall specify the representa-
tive and alternate representative, if any, of the person, firm or corporation
under whose direction the work authorized by the license shall be performed.
(2) Such license shall authorize the holder to perform or to have
performed, under the direction of its designated representative, any of the
work described in Section 3.303 hereof, but only on the existing premises
occupied by the holder of such license.
(3) In the event that the designated representative dies or leaves
the employ of the employer, the alternate, if any, shall automatically
become the representative of the employer.
(4) The applicant for such license shall submit to the Board proof
that it has in its employ, a representative or alternate representative, if
any, qualified to supervise the type of work performed by the applicant
on its premises.
(5) Provided, the applicant shall be entitled to examination upon
proof that the designated representative and alternate representative, if
any, have been actively engaged in the type of electrical work to be per-
formed on the premises of the applicant for the period of two (2) years,
immediately preceding the filing of the application.
3.305—Qualifications for Licenses
(a) Master Electrician—General
(1) In order to qualify for such license, the applicant must establish
to the satisfaction of the Board that he has been actively in charge of
electrical installation work under the supervision of a Master Electrician—
General, for a period of at least three (3) years, or the equivalent, prior
to his application for such license, and shall satisfactorily pass an examina-
tion as to his qualifications as hereinafter provided.
(b) Master Electrician—Restricted
(1) In order to qualify for such a license, the applicant must establish
to the satisfaction of the Board that he has been actively in charge of
electrical work under the supervision of a Master Electrician—Restricted,
for a period of at least two (2) years, or equivalent, and shall satisfactorily
pass an examination as to his qualifications as hereinafter provided, with
respect to the particular branch or branches of work to be covered by the
license applied for.