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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2789   View pdf image
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Howard County                                   2789

event a nuisance is found to exist the said County Health Officer, or em-
ployee designated by him, shall cause to be served a notice in writing
to the person, firm or corporation by whose act, default or sufferance,
the nuisance exists, requiring the abatement of said nuisance within
a reasonable time, which shall not be more than thirty (30) days nor
less than ten (10) days within such time to be specified in the notice
or to apply to the Board of Health for a hearing within said time,
and any person, firm or corporation refusing or neglecting to comply
with the requirements in such notice, or failing to comply with a direc-
tive of the Board of Health after hearing, shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than
Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)
or be imprisoned, in the discretion of the Court for not more than thirty
(30) days. Additionally, if the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers
of property on which any such nuisance exists, shall refuse or neglect
to abate the same after such reasonable notice, the County Health Officer,
after the expiration of time set out in such notice, may remove the
said nuisance, or the cause of said nuisance at the expense of the said
owner or owners, occupier or occupiers; and the cost of removing said
nuisance or cause of said nuisance may be recovered by said County
Health Officer in the name of Howard County, a municipal corporation,
from the said owner or owners, occupier or occupiers, in an action
at law.

12.205—Connection of Property With Public Water Supply or Sewerage

Whenever a system of water supply or sewerage, serving the public
is directly available to any property upon which there exists a spring,
well, cesspool, privy, sink drain, septic tank or private sewage disposal
plant, which has been determined prejudicial to health, the Board of
Health or the County Health Officer, may order said property to be con-
nected with the public water supply or sewerage system, and the spring,
well, cesspool, privy, sink drain, septic tank or private sewage disposal
plant abandoned and left in such a way that it cannot be again used
nor become injurious to health. The Board of Health, or the County
Health Officer, shall be empowered to prevent the construction of any
proposed well, cesspool, privy, sink drain, septic tank or private sewage
disposal plant whenever or wherever it may deem that the proposed con-
struction would be prejudicial to health. Any person, firm or corporation
found guilty of violating the provisions of this Section, shall be fined
not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). Where such violation
is of a continuing nature and is persisted in, in violation of this Section,
a conviction for one offense shall not be a bar to a conviction for a
continuation of such offense subsequent to the first or any succeeding

12.206—Stables, Kennels; Permit Required

It shall be unlawful for any person to erect an equine stable, cow
stable, goat stables, pig pen, CHICKEN COOP, dog kennel or rabbit
hutch in Howard County within 300 feet of the residence of any other
person without a permit granted by the Health Department of Howard
County. Before any such permit shall be granted, the applicant shall
file an application with the said Health Department. At the time of filing
said application, the said applicant shall submit a list of names of all
persons haying property or residing on property adjoining his premises
and the said County Health Officer shall send a notice to each of said


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2789   View pdf image
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