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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2790   View pdf image
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2790                               Municipal Charters

persons notifying them that application has been made for a permit
for such stable, pig pen, kennel or hutch, as the case may be, stating
that unless protest is received from them within ten (10) days, the
said County Health Officer will grant such permit, unless in the view
of said County Health Officer such structure would be detrimental to the
public health generally. After hearing any protests as to the granting
of any permit, it shall be within the discretion of the County Health
Officer to grant or refuse such permit. Any person aggrieved by the
decision and action of the County Health Officer may appeal to the Board
of Appeals.

12.207—Conditions Dangerous to Health

Whenever any legally qualified medical practitioner, or any one or
more persons affected thereby, shall make a complaint to the Board of
Health, or to the County Health Officer, Sanitarian or employee designated
by them that any water course, well, spring, open ditch, gutter, cesspool,
drain, privy, pit, pig pen or other place, or any accumulation or de-
posit of any substance is in a condition dangerous to human health,
the County Health Officer, Sanitarian or employee designated by them,
shall immediately institute an investigation, and if they shall decide that
the place or thing complained of is in such condition as to injuriously
affect the life or health of any person, the said County Health Officer,
Sanitarian or employee, shall cause to be served a notice in writing
on the person, firm or corporation responsible for the existence of such
condition to abate the same within a reasonable time to be specified
in the notice, which shall be not more than thirty (30) days nor less
than ten (10) days or to apply to the Board of Health for a hearing
within said time, and any person, firm or corporation refusing or ne-
glecting to comply with the requirements in such notice or refusing to
comply with a directive of the Board of Health after hearing, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall
be fined not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00) or be imprisoned, in the discretion of the Court for
not more than thirty (30) days. Every day during which a nuisance
shall be permitted to continue to exist after expiration of the time spe-
cified in the notice to abate the same shall constitute a separate and
distinct offense within the meaning of this subtitle.

12.208—Exposure of Animal Carcass

Any person occupying any real property or chattels real in Howard
County, either as tenant or owner thereof, or any person owning un-
occupied real estate or chattels real in said county who shall knowingly
allow any dead carcass of any domestic animal to be exposed upon prem-
ises without burial for a longer period than twenty-four hours, shall, upon
conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be liable
to a fine of Twenty Dollars ($20.00), or imprisonment for not less
than ten (10) days for each offense, in the discretion of the Court.

12.209—Cesspools; Where Not Constructed

No earth pits or cesspools, septic tanks, or other means for the dis-
posal of human sewage shall be constructed in any part of Howard County
excepting upon a permit issued by the County Health Officer; provided,
that any person who shall have a private water supply previous to the
construction of any cesspool or other receptacle or contrivance, or earth
pit which he may allege to have polluted his water supply, may make
application to The Board of Health or to the County Health Officer


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2790   View pdf image
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