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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2788   View pdf image
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2788                               Municipal Charters

forth herein are authorized and empowered by information or petition
filed in the name of said board to apply to the Judge, or any Judge
of the Circuit Court for such county, in term time or vacation, for
an injunction to restrain and prevent such nuisance, no matter by whom
or what authority committed; and further, they shall have full power
and authority to adopt rules for the conduct of hearings which shall be
held by said Board of Health to determine the existence and the cause
of nuisances and hazards to health, to issue cease and desist orders
to persons who after hearing are found to be in violation of this Section,
Article 43 of the Public General Laws of Maryland or regulations of
the State Board of Health promulgated pursuant to Article 43 of the
Public General Laws of Maryland to preserve the health of the county,
to prevent and remove nuisances and to prevent the introduction of con-
tagious diseases within said county.

12.201—Same-Meetings, Regulatory Power

The Board of Health for Howard County shall meet as required by
Public General Law and additionally, it shall meet at the direction of
the Chairman of the County Council; it shall act in conjunction with
the State Board of Health, and shall report or cause to be reported
to said Board such facts in reference to the sanitary condition of the
county as they may deem important or necessary; it may adopt and enforce
all needful rules and regulations concerning nuisances and causes of sick-
ness within said county not inconsistent with the provisions of the Public
General Laws, or this subtitle relating thereto; and may regulate all
fees arid charges in connection with such rules and regulations. Any per-
son who shall fail to comply with any such rules and regulations as
aforesaid, upon conviction of such failure to comply by the Peoples Court
of Howard County, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not less than One Dollar
($1.00) nor more than Ten
Dollars ($10.00) FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00)
offense, and in default of payment of such fine, to imprisonment in the
county jail for not more than thirty (30) days, except in cases where
other fines and punishments are specifically provided.

12.202—County Health Officer

The County Health Officer shall be appointed by the Board of Health
pursuant to Article 43 of the Code of Public General Laws; and he shall
have such duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed by law or
by regulation.

12.203—Resistance to Health Officer

If any person shall knowingly obstruct or resist the County Health
Officer, Sanitarians or employee designated by them, in the executions
of the powers to them given, or in the performance of the duties en-
joined upon them by law in relation to the public health upon conviction
of such obstruction or resistance by the Peoples Court of Howard County,
such persons shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be
fined not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00), or be imprisoned, in the discretion of the Court, for
not more than thirty (30) days.


The Board of Health and the County Health Officer shall take cog-
nizance of all unhealthy nuisances within Howard County, and in the


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2788   View pdf image
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