Howard County 2773
A. Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of this section will
apply to all permanent status County employees.
B. Leave of Absence Without Pay
1. The Personnel Officer may grant requests for leave of absence
without pay, for a period not to exceed one year. Such leave must be for a
valid purpose and when it appears that reinstatement would be in the best
interest of the County. At the termination of such leave, Merit System
employees shall be reinstated in the Merit System with all previous rights
and privileges except for annual leave credit. Following a leave of absence
without pay, an employee shall begin work with no accumulated annual
leave credit.
C. Official Leave
1. The Personnel Officer may grant official leave with pay, subject to
approval by Executive, to allow employees to attend professional meetings,
technical conferences, short term courses NOT TO EXCEED TWO WEEKS
on subjects related to official duties or for other purposes. Such leave
shall not be deducted from any other leave earned by the employee.
D. Jury Leave
1. Any employee called for jury duty will be reimbursed the difference
between payments received as a juror and his regular salary. Such leave
shall not be deducted from any other leave earned by the employee.
E. Military Leave
1. Any employee who is a member of any United States Reserve
or National Guard unit and is required to engage in annual training
exercises will be granted military leave, and will be entitled to receive his
or her regular salary for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days. Request
for military leave must be accompanied by an official copy of military
orders. Military leave will not be deducted from any other leave earned
by the employee.
F. Funeral Leave
1. Permission for paid leave for funeral or conditions caused by
death in the immediate family for a maximum period of three (3) work
days may be granted by the appointing authority. Funeral leave shall not
be deducted from any other leave earned by the employee.
G. Annual Leave (Vacation)
1. All regular full-time employees of the County shall be entitled to
paid annual leave.
a. All regular part-time employees of the County who work no less
than 50% of the normal work week, shall receive one half (½) annual
leave benefits in accordance with Regulations for full-time employees.
2. Upon completion of six months continuous employment, all full-
time employees shall be entitled to annual leave accrued from the date of
first employment at the rate of one (1) working day per month.
3. Upon completion of five (5) years continuous employment, all
full-time employees shall be entitled to annual leave accrued at the rate of
one and one-quarter (1¼) working days per month.