2772 Municipal Charters
C. Merit Pay Increment
1. Merit pay increments of one step may be granted to the most
deserving employees by the heads of the various departments as rewards
for service exceeding the standards established for satisfactory perform-
ance in each department. Employees considered not qualified for merit
pay increments shall be advised of the facts by their immediate supervisors
who will review with them means of improving their performance in
accordance with the rules governing employee evaluation.
2. An employee shall be eligible for an annual merit pay increase
of one step when the following conditions have been met.
a. When he holds a regular appointment.
b. When his work meets the standards established by his Department
Head for satisfactory performance.
3. When an employee's work has been reviewed at the end of six
month's service and found outstanding because of superior quality, he can
be recommended for an increment to the Personnel Officer for appropriate
action. Written justification must accompany any such recommendation.
In case such a procedure is taken, the employee would not then be eligible
for another increment until a year following his original increment.
4. Eligibility for merit salary increments shall not be affected by:
a. Pay increases due to change in hours of work.
b. General pay increases affecting one or more classes.
c. Transfer when it does not involve a change in pay.
d. A leave of absence without pay of less than thirty days.
D. Pay Rate Promotion, Demotion or Transfer
1. When a position is filled by promotion, the employee's new salary
shall be the minimum step of the higher grade, with the following excep-
tion: If the new salary is the same as, or below, that which the employee
has been receiving, then he shall go to the step in the higher grade which
will be at least one increment over his present salary.
2. When an employee is demoted, and the rate of pay of the class
of the former position is more than the maximum established rate for the
new class, the pay shall be reduced to the maximum rate or to another
step in the new range, as determined by the appointing authority.
3. When an employee is transferred from a position of one class to
a position of another class at the same grade, he shall continue to be paid
at the same rate of pay.
E. Appointment from Priority Re-Employment List
1. An employee who is appointed from the priority re-employment
list to a position of his former class in the department in which he
previously served shall be paid the same rate which he was being paid
when he was separated.
2. An employee who is appointed from the priority re-employment
list to a position in a class other than his former class, regardless of
department, may be paid the rate in his former pay grade, if such rate is
within the grade of the new class, or at any lower step in the pay grade of
the new class, at the discretion of the appointing authority.