2774 Municipal Charters
4. Upon completion of ten years continuous employment, all full-
time employees shall be entitled to annual leave accrued at the rate of one
and one-half (1½) working days per month.
5. Annual leave may accumulate to a maximum accrual of thirty
(30) working days. Any excess shall be considered lost to the employees.
Every employee must use a minimum of five days annual leave per year.
6. Requests for scheduling annual leave will be determined by senior-
ity. Employees in the service of the County on the date of the enactment
of these Regulations shall be credited with their accumulated annual leave
to a maximum of thirty (30) working days.
7. Annual leave may be granted by supervisoral authorities, as condi-
tions permit, on written requests from employees for a period of more than
one (1) day for any period of unused annual leave.
8. Upon termination of employment, employees with six or more
months of continuous service shall be paid for any accumulated annual
leave credit. Such payment shall never exceed the equivalent of thirty
(30) working days of salary, unless the employee fails to comply with
Section 11 B.
9. Public safety employees, required to maintain twenty-four hour
service, seven days a week, must take annual leave in the current year.
H. Sick Leave
1. All regular full-time employees shall be entitled to paid sick leave
at their regular rate of pay less any workmen's compensation wage pay-
ments. Regular full-time employees are those employees who are employed
on a full-time basis.
2. Upon completion of six months continuous employment, all full-
time employees shall be entitled to sick leave accrued from the date of
first employment at the rate of one working day per month with unlimited
accrual. Sick leave may not be granted for less than one-half (½) day.
3. When an employee becomes ill it shall be incumbent on said
employee to notify his or her immediate supervisor before the start of the
shift on the first day of illness and the probable date of return to work.
Absence due to illness for over three consecutive days must be substan-
tiated by a certificate from a practicing physician describing the nature
of the illness, date treatment began, and date of discharge or probable
date of discharge, from treatment.
a. If the supervisor suspects that there is an abuse of sick leave, the
employee is to be put on notice that a Doctor's certificate confirming his
illness must be submitted upon his return to work from his next sick
leave, even though this may be less than three days. Failure to notify the
supervisor of illness or abuse of sick leave will be considered sufficient
cause for disciplinary action.
4. Absence due to injuries incurred while on duty shall be substan-
tiated by a sick leave request, however absence for such injuries shall
not be deducted from any leave earned by the employee if the injury is
covered by Workmen's Compensation.
5. Employees leaving County employment are not entitled to com-
pensation for unused sick leave, except that employees retiring after twenty
(20) years with exceptional attendance records may be awarded additional
compensation on the basis of unused sick leave by approval of the Person-
nel Board.