Snow Hill 2393
person to show cause on or before the following Wednesday why his name
should not be stricken from said list and in the sitting of said registration
officers on said following Wednesday they shall consider such suspected
cases and act on the same by striking the same from said registration list
or allowing the same to remain thereon as in their judgment may be proper
and they may also at said second day of their sittings register such
applicants for registration as they may deem are entitled thereto and who
shall present themselves for registration; and any person feeling himself
aggrieved by the action of said registration officers in registering, failing
to register, striking off or failing to strike off the name of any person or
persons from said registration list shall have the right to appeal to the
Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, within five days from the
decision appealed from and the Circuit Court for Worcester County shall
hear said appeals before the second Monday in May; and on the docketing
of such appeal cases the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Worcester County
shall issue summons for the person whose right to vote is in question,
returnable at the hour and place to be fixed by the Court for hearing of
such cases. The registration by revision shall continue until the year
[1930] 1969, in which year and in every tenth year thereafter there shall
be an entirely new general registration [.]. [and from 1930, until 1936
the registration shall be by revision as aforesaid. In 1936 there shall be
an entirely new general registration. From 1936 to 1940 the registration
shall be by revision as aforesaid. In 1940 there shall be an entirely new
registration and every tenth year thereafter there shall be an entirely new
general registration, that is to say, in the year 1940 there shall be an
entirely new general registration and again in 1950 and every tenth year
thereafter, and the] Registration in intermediate years shall be by revi-
sion as aforesaid. The right of appeal herein provided for shall apply both
to general and intermediate registration years.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforesaid amendment
hereby proposed, shall take effect on the fiftieth day after the date of the
passage of this resolution unless on or before the fortieth day after said
last mentioned date there shall be presented to said Mayor and Council
of Snow Hill or mailed to it by Registered Mail, a petition signed by
twenty percentum or more of those persons who are qualified to vote in
municipal general elections in said Town of Snow Hill, requesting that
the aforesaid proposed amendments, or any one or more of them, be sub-
mitted on referendum to the voters of said town of Snow Hill; provided
that a complete and exact copy of this resolution containing the proposed
amendment aforesaid shall be posted in a public position in the main
Municipal Building in said Town of Snow Hill and another of said copies
shall be posted at the Court House door in said town of Snow Hill for a
period of at least forty days following the time of the passage of this
resolution, and provided further that a fair summary of the aforesaid
proposed amendment shall be published in the Democratic Messenger, a
newspaper of general circulation in said Town of Snow Hill, once in each
of four successive weeks within said period of forty days after the date
of the adoption of this resolution.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event of receiving
a petition for referendum aforesaid, complying with the provisions of
Section 13 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland aforesaid
as amended, the aforesaid proposed amendment shall be submitted to
referendum of the voters qualified to vote in municipal general elections
in said Town of Snow Hill in the manner prescribed by law, and such
amendment of Charter aforesaid shall hereafter become effective if and