2392 Municipal Charters
"I swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements
are true," signature of applicant, entry by Registration Officers whether
registered and if not the reason for rejection and the signature of the
Registration Officer. The Registration Officers shall enter in the Registra-
tion Book to be furnished by the City Clerk the names of and information
concerning those persons so registered. The said Registration Officers shall
sit each of the above mentioned days from eight o'clock in the morning until
six o'clock in the evening, and at the close of the second day shall return
their registration book signed and certified by them to the Secretary of
the said City Council of Snow Hill, who shall preserve the same and deliver
it to the Judges of Election hereinafter mentioned; and no person whose
name does not appear on said registration list shall be entitled to vote at
any town elections, but every person whose name does so appear shall
be entitled to so vote; and on the first Monday in May, 1920, and every
second year thereafter such qualified voters shall elect by ballot or voting
machine, whichever may be then provided, one person to be Mayor and
one person to be Councilman and on the first Monday in May, 1921, and
every second year thereafter, two persons as Councilmen to succeed those
whose term of office is about to expire, it being intended that there shall
hereafter only be three Councilmen; but no person shall be eligible for
election either as Mayor or [Councilmen] Councilman except he be a
resident, taxpayer and registered voter in said Town and unless he shall
file, [not less than ten days before .said election] not later than the first
day of April preceding such election with the Secretary of the Mayor and
Council, a certificate in writing containing the name and address of the
person seeking office, party affiliation, and the office to which he seeks to
be elected, accompanied by a filing fee of $25.00, such certificate to be
duly acknowledged by the person filing the same before an officer duly
authorized under the General Laws of the State of Maryland to take
acknowledgements, who shall append thereto a certificate of such acknowl-
edgement, and no votes cast for any person failing to file such certificate
shall be counted in such election [; and]. In the event there shall be more
than one candidate of a political party for the same office, then on the
following third Thursday of April the qualified voters who are affiliated
on the Registration Book of said Town with such party shall elect by
ballot or voting machine, whichever may be then provided, by plurality
vote which of the persons so filing from said political party for said
office shall be certified as the candidate of said Party for said office at the
general election aforesaid. On or before the second Tuesday in April, 1921,
and annually thereafter the City Council of Snow Hill then in office shall
appoint two officers of registration for said town of Snow Hill who shall
on the second Thursday of April, 1921, and the following Wednesday and
on the same days annually thereafter, after having been duly sworn before
the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, to faith-
fully discharge their duties as such registration officers, attend at [the
usual place of voting in] the Municipal Building in the town of Snow
Hill for the purpose of revising said registration list; the first day of
such annual sitting beginning with the year 1921, shall be devoted to
adding new names to said list and to making up a list of persons then on
said list but who may be suspected of having become disqualified as voters
in Snow Hill. At the close of the sitting on said first day beginning with
the year 1921, the said registration officers shall make a list of the persons
so suspected of having become disqualified and shall within twenty-four
hours thereafter deposit in the post office at Snow Hill by first class mail
a notice addressed to [said] each such suspected person at Snow Hill and
likewise to such other address of said person as may be known to such
registration officers or either of them giving notice to the said suspected