Snow Hill 2391
Whereas, by virtue of the authority contained in Article XI E of the
Constitution of Maryland as amplified and implemented by the provisions
of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 Edition, as
amended, Mayor and Council of Snow Hill, a municipal corporation of
the State of Maryland, is authorized and empowered to initiate proposed
amendments to the municipal charter of the Town of Snow Hill by resolu-
tion passed in the usual course of considering resolutions in the government
of said municipal corporation by a majority of all of the persons elected
to said Council; and
Whereas, it is desired by said Mayor and Council of Snow Hill to
amend Section 350 of Everstine's Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester
County (1961 Edition), being part of Article 24 of the Public Local Laws
of Maryland and a part of the charter of the Town of Snow Hill, a munici-
pal corporation of the State of Maryland, title "Snow Hill," subtitle
"Registration of Voters."
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Mayor and Council of
Snow Hill pursuant to the power and authority vested in it that so much
of the charter of said Town of Snow Hill, a municipal corporation of the
State of Maryland, as is contained in the subtitle and text of Section 350
of Everstine's Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester County (1961
Edition), being a part of Article 24 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title "Snow Hill," subtitle "Registration of Voters," be amended, subject
to the conditions hereinafter set forth, so as to read as follows:
350. Registration of voters[.], Primary and General Elections, Revision
of Voting Lists.
On or before the second Tuesday in April, 1920, the City Council of
Snow Hill shall appoint two officers of registration for the town of Snow
Hill who shall on the second Thursday in April, 1920, and the following
Wednesday, after having been duly sworn before the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Worcester County, Maryland, to faithfully discharge their duties
as such registration officers, attend at [the usual place of voting in] the
Municipal Building in the town of Snow Hill for the purpose of registering
the hereinafter designated [citizens] persons [of Snow Hill] as qualified
voters in the municipal elections hereinafter mentioned; and no person
shall be registered by said registration officers unless he is a citizen of the
United States who has never been convicted of any infamous crime either
in this State or elsewhere and unless he has resided within the State of
Maryland for one year and in the corporate limits of the Town of Snow
Hill for six months next preceding the election or if not a resident of the
State of Maryland and the town of Snow Hill who, having the other
qualifications aforesaid, owns real estate of the value of $500.00 in said
town of Snow Hill on which the town taxes are not, in arrears and who is
above the age of twenty-one years [and able to read and write any section
of the Constitution of the State of Maryland]. Each applicant for regis-
tration shall fill in and sign a card showing the following information re-
garding the registrant, namely: name, residence, mailing address, party
affiliation, age, sex, occupation, place of birth, term of residence (if any)
in the State and Town of Snow Hill, whether applicant can read, date
of application, if a non-resident property owner the location of the prop-
erty and extent of ownership,, a statement by the registrant as follows: